FTNCT |Chapter 28|

Start from the beginning

As she finished explaining for the first time I felt pity for Sasha. Evidently she had put her trust in the wrong person like I did with Katie. Her words at the end echoed what I had said to Katie. The breaking of such strong ropes left me with blisters but that is where the similarities ended. I had Sophia, and Scarlett maybe even Shaun and Dillon on my side but Sasha had nobody. Maybe it was all the swirling emotions of today but I reached over and gave her a hug letting her know that I was there. That's all that people needed at time like this; to know that they weren't alone.

"I know how you feel. Not with the boyfriend cheating but about the other thing, a friend betraying you. It cuts deep with scars that are still visible but you know what I learned? That you need to move on and learn that people who don't have your interest at heart were never your friends in the first place. They were just there at the right time and it resulted in a 'friendship.' I was able to differentiate between my fake and real friends."

She gave me a sad smile that made me want to cry. "That's where we are different Alana. You have friends but I don't have these 'true friends' you talk about." She quoted with her finger.

"Come on, you would have had to have at least one."

She thought about it for a while before she spoke. "Well there was Scarlett. We used to be really close until I screwed up. And then she found better friends that she deserved, you."

I sighed. I knew about the whole backstory between Sasha and Scarlett. Sasha had ditched Scarlett in many of their rendezvous points and then she had started to hang out with Natasha, which had completely changed her from the sweet girl that Scarlett knew when she was younger. Fast forward, Sasha and Scarlett had ended things on a very bad note cussing each other off and minutes before a full on fist fight would have started.

"Well today is a new beginning. You can hang out with us today. Find new friends that aren't like your old ones." I took her arm and helped her stand. "Wash away that makeup and look like the beauty queen you really are."

She giggled slightly and I gave her another smile. Then I helped her clear all the black lines off her face and waited for her to put back her makeup. When she was done she faced me and asked, "Do I look okay?"

I shot her a smile and gave her thumbs up. "It's like you weren't even crying."

I turned to open the door but she Sasha's arm stopped me. Confused, I turned her to see what she wanted.

She shot me a thankful smile before uttering the words that brightened up my day. "Thank you so much for helping me. And I'm really sorry about how I treated you in the past."

I returned her smile. "No problem. And I am moving past what you have done but it's going to take a while for me to fully forgive you. Understand it's not easy. Certain times your words were hurtfully and actually made me cry. Nobody deserves to be treated the way you treated everyone. Although I have seen you be a little nicer since your Halloween party I need you to know how much havoc you actually wrecked."

She looked ashamed and I felt pity for her but Sasha needed to know the damaged she had caused. The first step to moving on was acceptance. "Yeah I did realize that I treated a lot of people as b*itches but I am ready to move forward. That was in the past."

"At it girl," I said.


As expected Scarlett didn't take Sasha's appearance in a loving manner. In fact it was quite the opposite. She spit the orange juice that she was drinking. "What the hell is she doing here?"

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