Chapter Nine: There's this guy who is...always cocky on Wednesday

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Once she was done with my corset, she shoved my ass out and into the very abundant closet of my room. The mirrors copy my every move and I was still creeped out, seeing myself in mirrors placed side by side.

"Now, we have to choose a very suitable color." She pulled a pink gown covered in gems that had ruffles at the end, a large bow in the waist and the bust seemed to look good. The curves were placed all in the right places but the problem was, "No! The color is too irritating."

"Yep! Definitely." I agreed.

She pulled up dress after dress and shoving to me one after the other. They all looked terrible.

"Ah! Yes, yes." She held the dress up to my body. "Perfect!" The dress was a cream colored dress covered in raffles that was plaited perfectly. She ushered me to try it on. The corset made it hard for me to breathe but the dress looked good and the curves hung in all the right places.


I walked on the walls of the palace, not sure where. I was going but I thought of having a little bit space before I get back to where I was supposed to.

I found myself in the backyard. The yard was spacious, just enough for a mall to stand on.

I walked further into the center, I felt virginal. That was until an arrow flew past my head, missing a few strands of my hair. It was too fast that I almost didn't dodge. I turned my head and saw Alex gawking.

He ran up to my stranded self, his bow on his right arm and his quiver full of silver arrows was slung on his shoulder.

"I- I'm truly sorry, Princess Annabeth." I don't know why but hearing him talk so professional took the words right out of my mouth.

"Tsk. Fine, sure it's okay to fly an arrow when a person is right there." I shook my head and turned on my heel.

"What do you want me to do? You're standing right there in front of the target!" He raised his voice but I didn't dare look back at him.

I never thought that he would have an impatient tone or that I was the one who provoked it. I always thought of him as a tolerant person but I guess I misjudged the person.


I was left on my own after the announcement. I'd finished greeting guests like Dutch and Duchesses or kings and queens. I was quite exhausted myself, I could barely keep breathing in my corset.

I sipped in a small amount of white wine, made by the finest winemaker of the country. The alcohol burnt my tongue but I continued on drinking until the burning sensation was gone and the drink was bearable.

My eyes scanned the room and saw the couples, married and not, dancing on a song the orchestra was playing. I hummed along the tune, guessing the next rhythm. Their feet moved to the beat and they all looked happy.

This party was supposed to be for me but I'm not even happy.

Whenever a guest greeted me or passed me by, I just smiled. I felt melancholy and I'm pretty sure I looked awkward crouching at the table for appetizers. At least the chocolate fountain tasted good.

Finally, I felt tired of watching them. I walked out of the pavilion and went into the balcony.

"So much for your welcoming night, huh?" Alex came from behind me wearing a smug face.

I hummed in response, not really wanting to engage in a conversation, especially with people who I've had just a bad memory of.

"Look." He sighed, "if this is still about what happened the other day, I-- I didn't mean it and I'm not saying that it's your fault." He held up his hands in defense then immediately slumped his shoulders.

I smiled, "Of course, and why are you even apologizing? It's not like you were the one who yelled at me for something small?"

He chocked on his own saliva and turned towards me. "Some-something small?!" Pausing, he gulped down a large bubble of air and sucked them in. It was probably to calm his nerves. "It was your life. Do you not think what would happen if you didn't turn?"

"There it is again!" My face flushed in frustration as I slouched my shoulders.

"What?" This is hopeless, this guy was as numb as a rock.

"You being formal just really works me out. I don't want that. Everyone just acts like manners bode out with your way of speaking but I beg to differ." I glanced up and immediately met his blue eyes. "Please, don't talk so formal around me when we're alone. I don't want that. It would feel unrealistic, like a dummy." I pleaded.

Breaking my stare, I leaned on the railing. Suddenly, I felt warm hands on my waist and heated breath on my ear. He pressed his lips near my ear until it was audible.

"Sure. Whatever you say, Rapunzel." I could literally feel the smirk on his face.

"Getting cocky, aren't we?"

"Eh.. Only on Wednesdays." We both laughed.

At least I had the chance to enjoy my night, even if it was for a bit.

A/N: It's been a long time since I last updated this book. Lol. Hey! Congratulations to my fellow 5sausers or sexy bitches, as Luke once said, in winning the votationHaha! We bypassed Lady Gaga. Anyways, yasss! I have Magnus Chase and finished it along with The Heir.

Don't forget to vote, comment, and share.

Lots of Love,

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