Everything Is At Stake.....

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Stefan P.O.V

When I got back home after comforting Elena there wasn't anyone downstairs I could hear someone crying upstairs. I went up and it came from Siena and Damon room the door was closed. So I knocked on the door and Siena told me she wanted to be left alone I could hear her trying to control her tears. What had happened for her to be this upset? I looked round for Damon and he was nowhere to be seen in the house. I swear if was the one who upset her I'll kill him.

I couldn't sleep at all last night all I could hear was Siena cries. I wanted to go in that room and comfort her but every attempt I made she insisted she wanted to be alone. Damon didn't even come home last night so if they have had another argument. Damon probably gone on a rampage somewhere. I walked over to my desk and sat down with my journal; I took a deep breath and began to write in my journal.

'She's been spiralling since her transition and at times I barely recognize her. But now, for the first time in a while, there's hope'

'Somewhere in the world, there's a cure for vampires. If I can get it, Elena can be human again. I can give her back her life'

'So, that's what I need to do. No matter what Klaus asks, no matter what lies I have to tell or secrets I have to keep, I'll do it. No matter what it takes? The only thing that will stop me pursing this journey is that Siena is part of all this too. If any harm would come to Siena I wouldn't be able to live with myself'

I put my pen down and my phone went off I looked at the screen and I had a new message from Klaus

Klaus: We have a problem

I called him straight away I knew that he was in Italy now. He told me how Connor had escaped from his torcher device and his stupid hybrid Nate, he really weren't happy at all

"How the hell did Connor escape?" Now Jeremy and Siena were both again in danger with Connor on the loose.

"I'd blame my numbing incompetence, but pointing fingers isn't going to help me, you're going to help me" Where the hell did he want me to start looking for him? He would be anywhere Klaus away thinks things are always so simple.

"Well, he could be anywhere now" I told him firmly.

"Think, Stefan, he took the hybrid's head which means he wants werewolf toxin" Conner wasn't planning on leaving town then.

"Which means he plans to stay in Mystic Falls to kill vampires" Of course he would and I can guess who he planning to go for.

"Which is a pity, as I'm half the world away digging up a dead hunter, you'll have no access to my blood and therefore, the antidote, nevertheless, his tattoo is our only map to the cure, so your task is quite simple; find him, catch him, and above all, keep him alive he's no good to us dead" Klaus warned me. Yeah like that would be easy Damon after his blood after what Conner did to Siena.

"Damon's been looking everywhere for him, if they cross paths...." I began to tell him but Klaus cut me off.

"You'll need to keep Damon in check" Well if Damon knew everything it would be easier to keep him in check.

"Be a lot easier if I could just tell him the truth" I told him hoping Klaus would have changed his mind.

"You trust Damon with the cure? I imagine he prefers Elena the way she is" he teased me; here we go again he always had to bring that up.

"Nice try, Klaus but I trust Damon a hell of a lot more than I trust you" I told him firmly.

"And I trust only one person Stefan and that is Siena. I do not even trust my own family which is why my sister is lying daggered in a box. The more who find out about the cure, the more who will go after it. Nations have gone to war over less. You mark my words, tell one soul and I will throw the hunter's sword in the Mediterranean and we can end this quest right now. Am I understood?" He threaten me and I didn't say a word and hung up on him. What was I mean to do? I'm meant to stop Damon from killing the man who hurt his wife. That not going to be an easy task. I see me and Damon are going to have a lot of disagreement but I have to lie to him I can't tell him about the cure.

'The Eternal Flame' Damon Salvatore Love Story Part Of 'Epic Love Saga'Where stories live. Discover now