6: Angry, Very Angry...

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“No! I’ll never forgive you!” I screamed throwing my alarm clock at the door. I didn’t need it, so…yupp!

“Roxy, please. I thought…”

“Well, you thought wrong!!” I yelled kicking the door and found my leg got stuck. A huge hole was in it and my leg was stuck. I was hopping on one leg. “Help me?”

He chuckled and walked inside. He grabbed my waist and pulled. My leg came out the door and I sighed.

I grabbed a sleeping bag, pillow and ran downstairs.

“Roxy! Wait! Don’t do this!” he yelled after me.

I opened the door and threw the stuff outside. I heard it land with a thud.

I grabbed his hand and kicked his ass, throwing him out the house. I locked the door and all entrances/exits in the house.

“What’s he doin outside?” Eric asked coming down the stairs.

“Don’t let him inside” I spoke coldly.

“Is this about… what happened…earlier on today?” Eric asked, now infront of me.

I nodded and looked down. How could I be so stupid?!

“Roxy…he’s telling the truth, he didn’t know!”

“But he still did it!” I snapped loudly, crossing my arms. “He still did it” I spoke softly, shaking my head slightly.

Eric sighed and embraced me in a hug. “You can always get another one”

“But that means I’ll have to buy one!!” I yelled.

“Do you want one?”


“Then buy one”

I sighed. “Fine”

He smiled. “Let him in then”

“Nah, let him stay there for a while” I said winking at Eric. He chuckled and nodded.

I groaned and stomped upstairs. Now I gotta buy a new donut!! Thanks a lot Haden!!

Flashback Over

I walked into the kitchen and opened the fridge.

“Rox!! Open this door!!” Mase continued to shout.

My eyes widened at the sight inside the fridge and widened in horror.

I screamed.

Suddenly the door burst open, causing me to jump and scream even more. “Aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!!! Aaaaaaaaaahhh?” My scream died into more of a question. I raised my eyebrow at a concerned Mason, who is also trying to get the door back up.

I’ve been there, love.

“What’s wrong?” he asked worried, rushing to me. Forgetting the door that fell with a thud. I laughed mentally, just get Eric to fix it like last time…


The stupid fridge beeped, telling us that it’s been open for too long. I groaned and slapped it shut. I faced Mase with a glare.

“What happened?” he asked folding his arms.

“We’ve run outta food” I mumbled.


“Bye!” I yelled, grabbing my jacket off a peg and out into the dark.

“Where are you going?!” he shouted after me.

Captured! [Book 2 of The Denied! Series] {NEEDS MAJOR EDITTING!}Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin