"Why don't you sit on the bed first? Um, lay on your stomach and kick one of your legs up or something. Just do whatever feels natural and comfortable for you, okay?" Wilmer instructed as Demi nodded and hopped on the bed with a soft giggle. Wilmer snapped a picture of that and smiled at the look on her face. For the first time in a while, she looked genuinely happy.

Demi rolled around on the bed a little bit, letting the sunlight stream down on her face as she played around with different positions on the bed, looking back at the camera sometimes and other times pretending like it wasn't there at all.

After Wilmer got the perfect shot, he grabbed a stool from the corner of the room and placed it directly under the sunlight.

"Come sit down," Wilmer said and Demi rolled off of the bed and went to sit on the stool. Wilmer fixed her hair a little bit so that it wasn't in her eyes and with the way that she was smiling at him, he couldn't help but to smile back at her.

"It's pretty here. It reminds me of my old bedroom at my parents' house." There was a faraway look in Demi's eye and Wilmer made sure to capture it. They did a few different poses on the stool before Demi decided that she wanted to take a break and do the interview before they had to take anymore pictures.

While Demi did her interview, Wilmer scrolled through the pictures that they had taken so far, and at every single one, it felt like he was falling harder and harder for Demi. Before they even met, he hadn't thought of her as a real person; just some superficial bitchy CEO who owned an expensive company and had only agreed to the documentary to help her image. But she was a person. She was a human being with feelings and he had watched her at what seemed to be her weakest points, but he had also seen her triumph over every obstacle in her life and claim her victory. And that part of her, that human part of her that everyone else seemed to forget about, was the part that he was falling in love with.

Nick tried as hard as he could to just push Demi out of his mind. But no amount of champagne or sex with Olivia or loud music could make him stop thinking about her, and the more he thought about it, the angrier he grew. Here was Demi who, for the past three years, had been blaming him for their marriage falling apart. Yet she was the one who had cheated on him, lied about the paternity of their kids, and even worse, she cheated on him with her brother. How the hell could he have married someone like that? How could she do that to him, after all that they had been through together?

He knew that he should've listened to his mother when she told him that she wasn't any good for him and she was just using him as her meal ticket. Was that true? Did Demi really only marry him to benefit herself? Now that he thought about it, right after they announced their engagement, her company had really began to soar to the top without anyone being able to stop her. Did she know that was going to happen and that's why she had said yes to him when he proposed?

They used to be so in love and Nick couldn't even fathom what had happened between them. Something that could've been so beautiful was destroyed because his wife had cheated on him with his brother and his kids weren't even his kids. That was the worst thing about it all. He thought he was a father to two beautiful children but he wasn't and Demi had never even bothered to tell him. How could she do that to him?

"What did I tell you Nicholas? I told you that you should've married Selena instead of that no good, gold digging, parent less whore. You know her parents were crazy and killed themselves. That's who raised her. I don't know what you were expecting from someone who came up in a household like that," his mother sneered across from him. They were having a meeting in the family home because Nick had told them about what happened and they were discussing what to do in case the media found out. Nick winced at the way that his mother was talking about Demi but he didn't correct her. He didn't have the energy to and he just didn't care anymore.

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