Chapter 18 - Under A Paper Moon

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It's getting closer to the baby's birthdate. This is scary for us becoming parents like this, she's due next week.

"How about Rose?" Jack says, snapping me out of my thoughts.

"How about no?"

"Stella? Holly? Maria? Jasey Rae?"

"No, we aren't naming her after one of our songs."

"Then I have no idea. Call her Tom DeLonge."

"What about Chelsea?" I suggest or him.

"Not bad. I've never met a Chelsea who's a dick."

"It's settled for now then. Chelsea."

We sit opposite each other on the wooden table in our kitchen. Jack scribbles the name down on some paper in front of him and crosses out other names. I reach down next to me and lift my green folder up and throw it onto the table. I reach in and bring out a pile of papers. "I've been having a look at houses, three bedroomed of course. I need your opinion." I pass the pile to Jack and he looks at them, sorting them into two different piles.

When he has separated them he looks up at me and passes a pile to me, "these are the ones I like." I take a look at the houses he's picked out, there are 5. I see he has chose my favourite one, "shall we set a viewing for this one?" I ask to which he just nods. I grab my phone and dial the number on the paper.

"Hello, William Tree estate agents how may I help?"

"Hi I'd like to book a viewing for 71 Greensmith Road."

"Hold on a second please... Okay would you be available on Tuesday at 10.30?"

"Hold on let me check." I look at Jack and ask him. "Tuesday at half 10 would be excellent."

"Alright then what's the name?"

"It's Barakat. B.A.R.A.K.A.T." I spell out.

"Right we have you down, see you there."

I hang up and smile at Jack. "We're viewing a house in two days." I tell him, all this responsibility is thrown at us all at once. We need a new place, there's no room for a kid here. We've bought most of the baby stuff and we'll have to stay here with Zack and Rian until we get a new place.

We're going to drive up to Michigan again two days before the due date and stay with Jessica. I still hate her, she may be giving us a child but with my look she'll end up looking like her. Jack must have been extremely drunk to bang her. But we need to be with her when she goes into labour.

We go down to the park and sit on a bench facing the big pond, we cuddle and look at the doors floating about.

"I'm scared. Really fucking scared." He says to me.

"Yeah me too, this is new territory for the both of us. Four month ago we were free and now we're moving out and having a kid."

"I couldn't have done any of this without you. You give me the courage and bravery that I need to do most of the ship that I do."

"Awe Jack, I love you." I look at him and we kiss.

Under A Paper Moon ~ JalexWhere stories live. Discover now