Chapter 6 - The City Comes Alive When We're Together

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Our set has just ended and we are dripping in sweat. "I'm getting in the shower first!" Rian calls. We got lucky with this venue because they have a shower inside for us to use. "Hurry up, we stink." Zack tells him. I turn to Jack who's hair is stuck to his face because of how damp he is, "we'll get a shower and go straight to this restaurant okay?" He nods at me. "Can we shower together?" He winks. "Don't push your luck." I tell him sternly.

After our showers we sit in the backstage area for a while. Jack brought a suit for me and one for him so we're wearing them. "You guys should get going." Zack says. I look up at the old clock on the wall 11.26 I look at Jack and see him staring right back at me. "Yeah come on then Alex, let's go!" We stand up and head out. Zack and Rian are gonna have another bus party while we're gone.

Jack and I are walking all over the city before he finally finds the restaurant he was looking for. We walk in and the place is surprisingly fancy looking. For a 24 hour restaurant I was expecting it to be a lot less classy. There is one other couple dining. We are greeted by the waiter, he is wearing a grey suit and has a welcoming smile. "Hello, may I help you?" He asks. His voice is nasally and deep, he had an accent but I couldn't figure it out. "Yes we're after a table, I booked it last week under the name Barakat." Jack tells him. He booked it last week? The waiter looks at his book and runs his finger on it. "Ah yes Mr Barakat table for two. If you'll follow me this way, I'll be your waiter for today and my name is John Ascot." He guides us to a table.

Jack sits down and smiles at me. Now I know why he wanted us to wear suits, this place is really posh. We look at the menu that the waiter gave us. There are names of foods that definitely aren't English and the prices are off the scale! "Is this french?" I ask Jack. To which he confirms. "Pick anything you want I'm paying." He tells me. "What's Filet mignon?" I ask him. "Beef fillet... it's pink in the middle." Since when did Jack learn this stuff? I decide I'll have that. "You chose what you want?" Jack asks and I nod. He eyes up the waiter and gets his attention.

The waiter makes his way over and flips out his notepad. "Hello sirs are you ready to order?" He asks us. "Yes we are." Jack says and points to me. "Uh can I have the filet mignon please?" The waiter scribbles down my order while muttering something along the lines of 'good choice' he turns to Jack. "I would like the lobster thermidor please." Jack says, that's the most expensive thing on the menu. "Excellent choice there sir. What about drinks?" He asks and before I can say anything Jack speaks. "Can we have a bottle of your finest champagne and two glasses please." The waiter writes it down and rushes off. "Champagne?" I ask. I've never seen this side of Jack before.

We sit talking while drinking expensive champagne. "Alex remember your 18th birthday?" he asks me. Of course how could I forget? Jack took me to see Lady Gaga and she pulled us up onstage. He proposed that night, onstage in front of thousands of people. "Yes of course I remember." I tell him. "I wanted to marry you then and I still do now. We can make it happen now. We get paid enough." He has a spark in his eyes, is this what this was all for? A second proposal? "If you still want to?" This is what this about. "I love you Jack, I want nothing else but to spend my life with you but... that day I went off I... threw the ring." I confess to him. "I know, I know that you don't have the ring and that's okay I can get you a new one." He smiles at me and I send one back to him.

The waiter comes rushing out with his arms full. "Filet mignon for you sir." He says as he places my meal in front of me. "And for you sir, lobster thermidor." He places the meal in front of Jack. "Bon apetit." He says before walking off. I look at my plate. There is a cut of beef and some asparagus at the side. I look up at Jack's meal, his plate is almost full. His creamy looking lobster and pasta at the side.

We leave the restaurant feeling well fed. We try to locate our way back. I look at the time on my phone 3.56 "holy fuck Jack it's 4 already!" I laugh. "They'll still be partying it up probably." He says. "I have an idea follow me." He says as he drags me off somewhere. We end up by some canal, we sit on a bench and look out onto the water. Jack pulls me in to lean on his chest. He plays with my hair and then suddenly I was at home. A thousand miles away from my bed but I still felt complete. "This is what I wanted, Jack." I tell him. "I know." He replies.



"Do you ever feel like when you're in bed and you're slipping away from everything but something is there holding you down?"

"Yeah, all the time."

"What is it keeping you down?"



"It's you Jack, it's always been you keeping me grounded."

"It's you for me."

"Is that how you know it's love?"


"When you're each other's lifeboat."

"It probably is."

"I love you Jack."

"I love you too Alex."

We return back to the bus to find people passed out on the floor and a couple of people in the back talking. We tell those that are awake to leave and we retire to our bunks.

Under A Paper Moon ~ JalexWhere stories live. Discover now