Chapter 15 - The Reckless And The Brave

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I slowly open my eyes and look around. I'm in a bright room which is almost entirely white. I hear a beeping noise and I look to see a machine attached to me. I'm in a hospital... Why am I here? I'm alone. I try stand up but I can't move my legs so I yell out. "Help! Help me!" A nurse comes running in. "You're awake!" She exclaims. "Okay. It's okay, I'm going to go get a doctor." And with that she left me alone again.

A doctor comes walking in. "Ah hello. I'm Dr Green and you have just been in a coma for nearly four weeks, both of your legs are broke and you banged your head hard. I need to perform some routine checks if that's okay." Wow talk about breaking it to me easy. I nod to him.

"Do you remember your full name?"

"Alexander William Gasksarth."

"Good, your age?"


"Yes. Can you follow my fingers please."

He lifts up his hand and holds his finger in front of me and begins moving it side to side,

"Excellent. Hold on while I check your eyes, keep them open please."

He proceeds to flash a blinding light in my eyes.

"That's good. Do you remember what I said my name was?"

"Uh... Dr Green."

"Well done. I think you're all okay here, do you remember how you got here?"

"No... I have no idea."

"You tried ending your life, you jumped off a bridge. Thankfully it wasn't high enough to kill you. Hopefully this is a warning for you. Your parents have been notified you're awake so expect a visit from them."

He turns around and leaves the room. I kinda remember some of it now. Goddamm it.

I lie staring up at my roof when I hear the door open. I look and see my mom looking at me, she breaks into tears. She comes and hugs me. "I thought I'd lost you. I couldn't have lost you too. Don't do this ever again." I'm so selfish. First my mom loses Tom, then she divorced my dad and now almost me. "I'm sorry." I tell her.

She ends up spending an hour here before she leaves me. She gets me my phone. I have a look on twitter. I've received tweets from fans wishing me well and I notice Jack has tweeted me. I decide to look through his tweets.

'I just can't believe this is happening.'

'@alexalltimelow I miss you, wake up.'

'Sorry about cancelling the tour guys but we have bigger things to worry about right now.'

'@alexalltimelow just wake up, I need to tell you how I feel.'

I tweet him back

'@jackalltimelow I woke up an hour and 30 mins ago. Come see me I missed you.'

I put my phone down and just lay there until my phone pings. It was Jack replying.

'@alexalltimelow if this is a prank I swear to god! Prove you're Alex.'

Fair enough Jack.

@jackalltimelow Lost Without You - Blink 182 (please say you remember that)'

That was the song that me and Jack first 'made love' to way back. That was cute.

'@alexalltimelow okay it's you, I'm coming RIGHT NOW. I've missed you.'

I think we're back in action. I lay back and wait for him to arrive. I close my eyes to think for a while.

"ALEX!" I hear Jack yell as the door burst open. Without hesitating he hugs me and whispers "don't fucking do that again. I'm sorry about everything, I'm not leaving you again." We both begin to cry. "So does this mean we're?" I ask. "We're what? Together? Yes I'm sorry Alex I love you."

"I love you too."

Under A Paper Moon ~ JalexWhere stories live. Discover now