Bonus Scene 1

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Thanks for helping us reach 1000 reads! here is an extra scene we promised as a celebration!

~ Gem (Olivia)


Ella skips down the isle with her father holding her hand. The grin on her face is positively nothing less than the greatest happiness and excitement she has ever felt. Her bare feet hop on the grass as she holds her wild flowers in hand, the skirt of her vintage white dress with long, puffy sleeves, cuffed at the wrist, that is tight around her chest but flowing below that, the collar low but completely modest, flying up around her legs as she tries not to run to him. Strays of her curly hair bounce behind her, most of the locks pulled into a loose braid behind her weaved with little flowers, a long veil catching the breeze in the air from a flower crown upon her head.

William stands properly but looking just as excited as she is, a bit nervous too.

Jessamyn is near the alter as Ella's maid of honor, wearing a sleeveless, floor length, pale ballet pink gown as plain as any when it comes to the 1920s pattern, but there are stunning silver designs all over the dress that shine in the late day light. Her hair is pulled into a do similar to that of the Pembrook ball. Ella's bridesmaids are dressed in silver, the whole venue sparking with such pale colors, most in subtly vintage clothing at Ella's request in the theme.

Behind them the winds from the southern ocean fill their noses with the scent of salt water, the beach being not far from here, this little area in the forest of skyscraping trees set up in a small wedding, with little flowers and white ribbons stringing in the branches.

Jess glances over at her husband when he does the same, that cute smile wanting to come forth along with his eyes that already show it as he enjoys seeing his close friends so happy. He stands as William's best man, a role most fitting to him since he was the one to help Will with Ella, probably the reason he is able to marry her now.

Henry looks so proper, yet so handsome in his formal vintage tux that matches most of the men's, complete with tale like a real old style suit.

Ella and Will join hands after she gives her papa a loving hug, smiling at Jess once before giving all of her attention to her "Mr. Bradford".

The ceremony is short and sweet and both in the couple are crying with happiness by the end. And once they are announced as husband and wife Ella squeals with joy and leaps up into Will's arms, letting him hold her completely off the ground with her legs wrapped around him before she kisses him with glee.

Henry chuckles and everyone there stands up to cheer happily for them, throwing light pink flower pedals into the air, filling the woods with shouts and cheerful sounds.

William and Ella Bates skip down the isle in laughter, it being a miracle neither one trips as they race through the pedals together.

Jess and Henry lock arms, he still trying to keep his amused wide smile away as he watches them. They walk fast towards them in the most informal—but most joyous—wedding she's ever attended. The other bridesmaids and groomsmen—that are mostly Will's brothers-in-law—run after them in pairs as people still cheer and scramble around to follow us towards the beach.

The reception is set up there on the shores as the sun sets, a huge cloth mat for a floor to dance on with a canopy of shimmery white fabric over it, tables and chairs set up in one half, and the other plain of course. The cake brought there is one Ella's mother made. And like Ella, she's an amazing cook. When they cut it, the others stand around as Shiloh (taking Jess's place as official wedding photographer, only because Jess is maid of honor), who wears a silver floor length, 1950s style dress, and is one of Ella's bridesmaids, takes pictures of them with Jess's large, expensive camera.

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