Chapter 14

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"That's when the chandelier falls—" East is saying to all the male servants and they laugh right on queue, gathered around the others in swimwear and sunglasses as they take some off time by the pool, the small break room right beside it. Of course this is where all the men get to take a break once their shifts are done for the day, the four Big House workers only getting to come here when they "go on a hunt".

"I love how everyone is shouting this story to the world like it's the funniest thing ever," Bradford says with irritation, interrupting George

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"I love how everyone is shouting this story to the world like it's the funniest thing ever," Bradford says with irritation, interrupting George.

"Oh don't worry, we have room for more," Andrews comments, referring the countless times Bradford has done something embarrassing or stupid.

"Oh don't worry, we have room for more," Andrews comments, referring the countless times Bradford has done something embarrassing or stupid

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Bradford clenches his jaw before giving up. "That's what she said," he comments plainly before turning and leaving them, walking over to grab a cola.

East is laughing at what he said.

"That's disgusting," Andrews comments as he sits in his pink swim trunks, button shirt, sunglasses, and cowboy hat.

"Says you," Martin coughs as he comes by, wearing a t-shirt and shorts, his job done for today.

"Leave him alone," George says.

"Thank you—" Andrews adds.

"He's heterophobic," East finishes.


Martin and George both laugh.

As Bradford looks up from where he is and spots Henry making his way to the break house around the footmen throwing each other into the pool, trying not to get splashed.

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