Chapter 1: Jail

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" Why'd you shoot Drew O'Neil?" The police, Khan asked.

I was sitting on a chair with my legs tied and arms tied. Good job, Khan. He's been asking me questions ever since I came in this morning. Torturing me so I'd answer their damn questions. I won't say a damn word.

" Reece Stone, answer the damn question!" He said angrily as he hits the table.

When I didn't answer, he punched me in the stomach.
If my hands are not tied together, he would have a black eye or maybe be toothless.

" Answer me, Kid." He punches me twice in the stomach. He didn't just call me kid.

I finished college a year ago so I'm not a kid.

" Have you got a word out of him?" Officer Jake Marshal asked as he stepped into the room. The torture room.

" No, not even one." Khan said breathlessly, wiping the sweat on his forehead with the back of his hand.

I looked at the window and saw a girl in a blue shirt.
She seems to be having an argument with one of the police officer. She was mad, but still pretty.


" Let him go. Drew is fine, so he's free." Jake said, his hand in his front pockets.

" You hear that, Reece? You're free, but if you do such a thing again you will rot in prison." Khan said, crossing his arms around his chest.

I've shot many people since I killed the three guys who killed my parents.

After Khan finished untying me, I stood up and grabbed my shirt that was lying on the table.

" Bye kid."

I walked out of there with my serious face. Putting on my shirt, I was walking to my jeep.

" Hi there, shooter." A voice said, I turned and saw the girl that I saw in there on her scooter.

I ignored her and kept walking.

" Don't ignore me." She said while driving her scooter up to me.

I stopped and looked at her, her eyes were beautiful. She looks so beautiful, even when she smiles.

" Shooter, I'm Zbelle Matthews and you are?" She said with a smile that shows her dimples, extending her hand for a handshake.

I looked at her, then at her hand, and again look at her. I ignored her hand and continued walking and she muttered something.

I finally reached my jeep, then I heard her.

" Shooter, I'll talk to you some other time. Bye!" She yelled and drove off.

I hope not.

Zbelle Matthews POV

I was asked to go take a picture of the famous shooter, the guy who had the guts to shoot the mayors son. When I got to the office, I met Officer Scodelario. He wouldn't let me take a picture, so I started saying things angrily.

" Go wait outside, if he comes out then you can take a picture of him." He said.

" If?"

" Just go." He pushed me out and walked back in.

When I saw the guy putting his shirt on, I turned my scooter on and catches up with him.

" Hi there, shooter." I said, looking at him.

He looked at me for like a few seconds and looked away , ignoring me.

" Don't ignore me." I said, driving up to him.

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