Chapter Eleven ~ Danny

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When I wake up the next morning the relief of being able to trust someone other than myself is great.
"I never realized how stressed we were." Anndy tells me.
"I didn't either." I say back to him. I'm just glad that I don't have to worry about this on my own. I check the time to see that it is 7:48. I have a while before I need to be at school, so I take my time with showering and eating my breakfast. By the time I'm done its 7:59 so I walk outside and drive my crappy car to school.

When I get to school and go inside I see that all my friends are there. Lindzay, Dylan, Penny, Sebastian, Tink, Bullseye, and some strangely pale looking girl with emerald green eyes and crazily curly hair. I'm sort of surprised that they're all here waiting and I'm curious who the new girl is.
We should approach with caution, Anndy warns me.
Taking his advice I ask them,"What are you all waiting for?" They seem to just notice that I got here, I'm guessing that they were all introducing themselves to the new girl.
Tink is about to say something when the new girl cuts her off saying,"My name is Nora Black, I just transferred here." And with that the conversation begins again this time with me included. By the time I get to class I learn that she is in all of my classes, so it's been decided that I am going to be her guide for the day.
We get to Pre-Calculus late so she immediately walks to the front of the classroom and introduces herself to everyone and explains to Mrs. Penske why I was late. We get to our seats and the rest of the day goes really boringly.

After school I say goodbye to my friends Lindzay, Sebastian, Dylan, Tink, and Penny then decide to say goodbye to Bullseye before I go home too. I start walking over to my car when I notice that Bullseye is already over there waiting for me. She seems nervous. She seems to be in a mood of intense concentration, but her face immediately lights up when she sees me. She walks over to me as I approach.
"What are you doing?" I ask slightly happy that she would want to talk to me enough to wait for me.
After tucking a stray hair behind her ear she says,"I was just going to say goodbye." Something about the way she was saying that told me she was going to say more, but I didn't say anything about it.
"So..." She says,"See you tomorrow." And with that she gives me a hug which I return slightly nervous and Bullseye quickly walks over to where Tink is standing. I feel like this is the first time she's been nervous.
What was that all about? I think, and I swear I can hear Anndy laughing at me. Dismissing his laughter I drive home and for once get home in time to Transmogrify.

Anndy gets to stretch his legs for a while.

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