Part 28: Prophesy take 2

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I had been allowed out of bed for dinner and anything else I couldn't do in bed, we had everyone in the palace at the hall and it roared with conversation just as it once did, on that first dinner I even thought I saw Loki smile.

Five months later, 18 weeks pregnant something magical happened, we were eating dinner, well I was devouring it, Ake and I were laughing, we were trying to include Loki in some of the conversation but he was only about 10% back to normal since five months ago, he laughed with us a few times but then just stepped out of the conversation. Sometimes I felt like a servant he had knocked up, I didn't feel like we had the ceremony at all, it was like... Everything after the day we first met him was a dream.

But, anyway, we were sitting and eating when I felt a jolt, Ake wondered if I was okay when I dropped my bread roll, I turned around with the biggest smile ever and whispered "they kicked me"

Ake became ecstatic and stood up on the table, turning to the crowd of people "the Queen felt the babies kick!" He exclaimed and then the whole hall exploded with a wave of applause.

I looked down at my belly and spoke to them "hear that little ones? They're applauding you" I smiled and then looked up to Loki who was sitting on the other side of me, he hadn't moved, but his face was slightly saddened like he felt left out. Slowly I got up from my chair and the room went silent, all eyes fell on me, I stood by Loki's side and took his hand, placing it on my bump, we waited for a few seconds and felt the kick. I watched his face and eyes carefully as I grinned.

Loki's face lit up and smiled widely, his smile extended to his ears and he looked up at me, I saw my Loki then, breaking through the grey fog in his eyes. He stood up with both hands still on my bump, looked down at it and then back up at me, he moved his hands to my face and kissed me in front of everyone. He was about 70% my Loki again.

As we were preparing for bed, I turned to Loki with a small grin "how did it feel to you? To feel them kicking?"

"I've never felt anything like it..." My smile widened, I was so happy I can't even put it into words "Eerika I've taken so many lives in my lifetime"

"Loki..." I groaned.

"No, please just, listen. I've taken lives, I know that feeling that comes when I do that, it is this strange sensation of holding someone's life in your hands and it is an empowering feeling" this better be going somewhere I thought "but tonight when I felt the babies kick, it was so much better, it was exhilarating and exciting, you literally hold their lives in you, not to take but to give, when I felt them kick I felt life being made and it was amazing to know that I had a part in that"

I felt so warm after he said that, I wrapped my arms around his neck best I could and kissed him "I love you"

"And I love you" it had been so long since I heard him say that, it had been so long since we kissed, during the five past months he didn't even touch me, it was a notion that made me feel that he hated me for some reason, but I now felt the warmth of his love again and it meant I couldn't be happier "now you must rest, you're sleeping for three now"

I smiled and for once didn't completely hate doing as he said "what if Thor comes back?" I didn't know where that question came from, but I had been waiting to ask it for quite a while.

"Where did that come from?"

"I don't know... With the twins on the way I can't help but feel... That Thor might take them away, thinking we're not fit parents or something, he came back before he'll come back again, and I can't lose my babies"

"And you never will" he sat next to me on the bed and put one hand on my hair and the other on my knee, stroking my hair gently "Endre is forbidden to let Thor in, I have sealed the Bifrost against him, he's the only one who can't use it, do not fret my love, Thor can never return" I smiled happily and slid down into the bed, he got up and went around to his side and got in, I snuggled up to him and fell asleep almost instantly.

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