Part 3: The boy with dark hair

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After a while the guide back to my post, became a tour. He showed me most rooms of the palace, except for the locked rooms. We came to this long corridor, which was quite wide and had large doors. At first I didn't know what to make of them but soon I realised that some of the grandest rooms would have been where they slept. These large rooms were the Aesir's chambers.

I was desperate to take a peak inside but, he was already giving me a handy tour so it would have been rude to ask. However through the crack beneath the third door in to the left, was a slight green glow and I guessed that was Loki's chamber. I wondered about what kind of things Loki would keep in his room, he didn't seem like one who cared for possessions, but very intelligent, so perhaps a few books.

As we continued down the corridor I decided to allow myself to ask him one question "what's your favourite room?" He seemed to tense "sorry, private right?" He didn't nod or answer me so I took his silence as a yes "okay so what's your second favourite room?"

Slowly he turned to me with a small smile tugging at his thin lips "you aren't going to give up are you?" I shrugged my shoulders and smiled. Attempting to socialise with a man of such power was very improper, but I am a very forward person and I like to know everything about everything "very well, this way" he directed my attention to a dimly lit corridor leading off from the chambers. I wondered what kind of room I was about to see, either that or he was leading me down there to kill me.

Would it be a room of magic and spells? Or somewhere to just lounge about? Loki was a very enclosed person. Very kept to himself. He didn't like anyone else knowing his business and he certainly didn't like questions, which were my favourite things to ask.

We came to the end of the corridor and reached another large door, wider than the doors to the chambers. He glanced at me and then pushed the doors open, and I was taken aback by the quantity of books I saw. He had taken me to a library which was extremely large and held the biggest collection of books I had ever seen. It was actually quite beautiful.

In the very corner was a desk and some writing tools, for you to read on. Reaching up over every shelf was a long ladder with small wheels attached to the bottom so it could slide along the high shelves. Above was a small chandelier which matched the candelabras on some of the walls. In between the built in book cases, which looked to have hand crafted detailing, it had long red silk curtains which complimented the gold. The whole room was stunning and I could tell why Loki liked it so much.

With my mouth hanging open I slowly made my way to the other side of the room, so I could look out of the large windows. From there you could see a portion of the gardens and most of the training grounds "I spent most of my time here as a boy" I hadn't expected to make any conversation, especially about his past.

"Who wouldn't?" I said still admiring the room in complete awe.

"Thor, Sif, Fandral, Hogan, Volstagg. Take your pick"

"Well, I don't see why" suddenly I was striking conversation with royalty.

"You like books?"

I laughed to myself, looking over some titles on the spines of the books, most of them about history and some stories "I love books... Well at least I did, I haven't read one in ages"

"Well feel free to take one whenever you like" what was this sudden kindness? It didn't seem to suit him somehow.

"Really? I'm allowed to do that?" I said with little belief.

He nodded slightly and looked out of the window for a second, then back to me, his face hard to read for expression "I told you, do whatever pleases you here, except break my rules" Loki's rules where relatively simple, but there was a fair few of them.

Green Eyes (Loki fanfic- completed)حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن