Part 14: Half Asgardian

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no P.OV

Loki sat on his throne, biting his nail, Ake had been called away because of news and he had been gone for a while now, which meant it was important. When Ake eventually returned he looked uneasy, unsure whether Loki would like the news "what is it?"

"A message from Vanaheim sir" he said as he showed the king respect as all who approached him must.

Loki stood "Vanaheim? What's the message?"

"They request marriage, to you or... another" he wasn't sure how to say it, or how Loki would react to the subject.

Loki seemed shocked for a moment "marriage?" he rubbed his chin and then furrowed his brows "to whom?"

"They said to their princess, they wish to form a stronger alliance to Asgard, after the war they still do not think that Vanir and Aesir are seeing eye to eye, they feel that a marriage between the two realms will... bond us"

"And who is this other? There are no other royals in Asgard, unless they believe Thor is still resident here" he stepped down a step.

"A lost prince of Vanaheim, he ran away just years ago, when you took power"

"Do we know who this prince is?"

Ake shifted "no sir"

"This plan of theirs, it doesn't work, only if she married me would it work, if this princess were to marry this lost prince, it would be a Vanir to Vanir marriage and the alliance would falter. Have they thought this through?... Unless there's something else"

"Sir I wouldn't know, all we can do is accept their proposal, meet this princess, hear them out and take it from there"

"And this is why you are my advisor" he came down to the same level as Ake and patted him on the shoulder.

"I just wish... She could see where I am now, she believed I was better than a patrolmen, she believed in me" he swallowed and shifted, he was thinking of Eerika, he had never forgotten her as Eerika had worried.

"She had to go, I couldn't have distractions"

"But did you have to banish her?"

"Are you questioning me?"

"No sir"

"Good, tell the messenger we accept Vanaheims request, but I agree to nothing yet"

"Very good sir" Loki turned and walked up to the throne, then he turned to sit but saw Ake still standing there, he was never completely comfortable with Loki banishing Eerika, but Loki had been upfront about it and when he was offered the job of royal advisor it was hard to turn it down. Loki leant forward and looked directly into his eyes, it was an intimidation technique that always worked, a way of saying bugger off, Ake showed respect and then turned and left.

Back to Eerika's P.O.V

We received word that Loki accepted our request, but that he wasn't agreeing to the marriage yet, I was going to meet with Loki and then there would be a couple of days for an investigation (so to speak) to find the lost prince, who could be anyone, a simple man in the market or a guard or he could have left Asgard, we weren't certain.

I was growing increasingly worried about this whole plan, a marriage with the lost prince would be a long shot and wasn't well thought out if you ask me, it seemed Loki would be the only suitable match for a suitable alliance, which needless to say didn't sit well with me.

I detested Loki with every fibre of my being, marriage to him would be the end of my sanity, but there was a certain enjoyable irony to it, he banished me because he didn't want me around to distract him and he didn't want to be with me, but now I was coming back as a princess and he would be tied to me for the rest of his life, and I would be there to call him on it, and make him realise that poetic irony, this would be all the payback I needed.

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