Chapter 4: Finn's POV

Start from the beginning

"Oh that is great. Okay, but that doesn't explain why you are here."

"Oh, sorry. I want to go see her."

"But, Finn we have Regionals coming up."

"I know, but Rachel was falling apart when she called me. She was crying and talking about how she misses me. I feel the same way. The break up has been hard on the both of us. We said it was the right thing, but why doesn't feel that way."

"Because you two love each other and miss each other. I know the feeling. I felt the same way when Emma disappeared at the wedding. But it was you that helped find her. So now I don't have to feel sad anymore. So, I totally agree with you wanting to see Rachel. I have no problem. Go, see her"

"Really, Mr. Schue?"

"Yes, Finn. I just know it is going to hurt the Glee Club a little, because they just got you back."

"I had that feeling. But I will talk to them in Glee Club practice today. I'm only going to be gone for the weekend. So I shouldn't miss much."

"I'm proud of you Finn."


"You are just growing up so well. You are a man. You are going to be a great teacher."

"Thanks, Mr. Schue, but I wouldn't be here without such an amazing teacher like you."

"Thanks, Finn. Now let's get to Glee Club practice to tell everyone."

It was time for Glee Club practice and the New Directions were all coming. When they were all settled, Mr. Schue got up, "Hey, guys Finn has something to tell you guys."

Finn got up in front of everyone to tell them his news. "Guys, I'm leaving for a bit."

"WHAT?" all of the New Directions said.

"Why?" Blaine asked being the new Rachel of the group.

"I have to go see Rachel."

"Who is Rachel?", Marley asked confused.

"It is Finn's ex-girlfriend. The old star of Glee Club.", Artie answered.

"Remember, actually ex-fiancé."

"Okay, why are you going to see your ex-fiancé and leaving us?" Unique asked.

"Because she needs me."

"Finn, what is going on? Is there something wrong with Rachel?" Tina asked knowing that there was more knowing Finn and Rachel.

"Ok. Rachel got a call back for Funny Girl."

"Wow, that is exciting!" the seniors said knowing how big this was for Rachel.

"Yeah, but Rachel is falling apart. When she called me she started to cry and talk how she misses me and other things."

"So." Kitty rudely interrupted.

"So, I miss her too. I have to see her and help her get back on track and prepare for the call back. Or if not help with the call back, just be with her for a while to talk."

"But we need you Finn." Ryder said.

"I know, but right now she needs me and I need her. I hope you guys can understand. I will only be gone for the weekend. So, I think you guys will be fine without me for a few days."

"Finn, I think we understand. I know how I feel when I'm not with Marley. So I see how you feel." Jake said giving a glance at Marley.

"Thanks, Jake. Ok, I'm still here so let's get some work done."

"Yeah, guys. Let's get started." Mr. Schue said giving Finn a smile.


Finn was at the airport with his mom. His mom had said she wanted to be the one to drop him off. "Thanks, mom."

"Be safe, sweetheart." his mom said with tears in her eyes.

"I will."

"Tell Rachel I said, 'Hi'"


"Ok, then go get her."

"Bye, mom. I love you."

"I love you too, Finn. Bye." *sniffles Carol

Finn had a long plane ride, but was finally was in New York City. The city where the love of his life was located.

Finn know the address of Rachel, Kurt, and Santana's apartment because Kurt was always sending letters about how he was doing to the house.

Finn had got to their apartment, finally. He knocked on door. The door opened and on the other side was Rachel.


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