What the frik are all the Naruto Characters doing here? Chapter 34

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“Oh no, here comes trouble,” I mutter to Tsukii and Matsuri as Lord Botan Genkei came up to us.

“Ah, the lovely Lore daughters and, um…”

“The Suohs. Akio, Ichigo, Kin, Takeshi, Ryu, Daisuke, Kenta, and Shinobu,” Matsuri introduce, each Naruto guy nodding when his name was said. “They’re the second prominent family to ours and the head of their family is a Yakuza member.”

“Very pleased to meet you,” Mrs. Genkei replies as she joins her husband.

“Well, I was just wondering if you girls still had that ridiculous band,” Lord Genkei smugly questions us.

My eyes twitches from anger, along with Tsukii and Matsuri, but before we can reply, Naruto, aka Daisuke, blurts out, “Band? What band? You girls have a band?”

Matsuri, Tsukii, and I glance at each and nod. “Yes…it is true. We still have our band.”

“What was the stupid name of it again?” Mum snottily rolls her eyes and grin.

“Troublesome Trio,” Tsukii answer calmly, though I can tell she’s as tense as Matsuri and I.

The Genkei and our parents laugh at that, and my sisters and I roll our eyes and go off, wanting to get as far as we could from the damn aristocrats.

After a few minutes of mingling with aristocrats and other evil people, we quietly disengage ourselves from the crowd and meet in a corner of the room.

"Ga--um, Ichigo, you know that feeling of wanting to kill somebody so badly that all you can think about is how wonderfully delicious it would be to break each and every one of their fingers, rips off their limbs, and then cut their throat?" Matsuri asks in a tight voice and Gaara nods.

"That feeling has comlpetely controlled my mind to the point at which I may kill everyone in this room. Maybe even you guys," She finishes and we all edge a little farther away from her.

"....So..." Kiba begins, breaking the silence.

"...So?" I continue, hoping for one of those 'so' wars where everyone repeats the word until we all die of boredom.

"So what was that about a band? Troublesome Trio, I believe it was called?" Kiba smirks at the title.

"It's nothing," Matsuri and I repsond, but at the same time, Tsukii had replied,

"It's just a band the three of us made. We play at school concerts and troublesome stuff like that."

"I'm going with Tsu Chan's answer!" Deidara exclaims, and we nod in agreement.

An orchestra starts playing and our parents appear beside us.

"Take a partner, each of you, even if you have to beg another person across the room to dance with you! The dances before the meal are occuring, and I'd be humilitated if my chlidren and their lovely aquaintances didn't have a dance partner!" Mum snaps, but keeps a fake smile plastered upon her face before gliding to the middle of the room with father and dancing.

Kiba takes my hand and leads me to the center of the room, then spins me gracefully.

"So... when did you learn how to dance?" I ask slyly.

"Youtube," he grins impishly, and I laugh quietly, resisting the urge to sing. I hate these things. You're not allowed to sing in them!!!

Tsukii pov:

"Your bow looks epic! I'm glad that you didn't take it out, it was troublesome putting it in," I smirk at the small black bow holding his bangs back as he smiles, looking, for some odd reason, like a guy!

"Your dress looks pretty on you, I can actually tell that you have a chest now," He responds.


"Troublesome pervert..." I mutter, and he turns red.

"That didn't come out well.... I did not mean that...Uh....You look pretty today? Yeah!" He finishes.

"Just shut up and dance, troublesome," I end the conversation.

Matsuri pov:

"Gaara..." I nudge his shoulder as we attempt dancing.

"Yes?" He breathes, and I Iook him in the eyes.

"...You suck at dancing."



-silence as everybody nearby turns and stares-

"Er, excuse me... Carry on..." Gaara apologizes to the room and I see Alyson go red in the face from trying not to laugh. All I can do is glare.....

3 Days Later.....

Deidara pov:

Gaara, Kiba and I raise our juice boxes and sip then throught their tiny little straws at the same time. Don't judge us, these things are AWESOME!

We pause in mid-sip and we hear and faint scream, followed by a louder, "Shut up! They'll hear you!"

We all stand up at the same time, arent we in sync today, and run up the stairs and to the parents locked bedroom.

"Stop..please? It hurts!" We hear Alyson plead and Kiba attemots to open the locked door with no success.

I hold up my finger to quiet him, and whisper, "Is that their parents, or is it Matsuri teasing them?"

"Either way!" Kiba whispers back, and we jump when we hear the sound of a whip hitting flesh and cry of pain.

"Mum...dad? Please stop! We'll be good! Promise.." Matsuri crys.

The door slides open, and I see Gaara's sand sliding out of the keyhole.

The girls are lined up on the ground crying, and Mr. Lore stood above them, holding a thin strip of leather with a metal tip attached to it.

"Stop yelling, or the others will hear you, don't you understand that? Don't you understand what could happen if they heard? Do we need to hit you harder to make you under--"

"I really wouldn't do that if I were you, Mr. Lore. Child abuse is illegal here, isn't it? However, killing an armed adult in self defense is quite legal, and probably fun. Right guys?" Gaara grabs Mr. Lore's hand and twists it behind his back while turning it grin sadistically at Kiba and I, who can't help but grin back.

What the frik are all the Naruto Characters doing here?حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن