Day 26 - Physically and Social Threats

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As the immunity challenge was over the Tiwakee tribe came back in full gear to know what is going to go down tonight at immunity. With Mila being safe that was sort of good thing you can see, what Angelina and Fernando thought she was a original Dene tribe that she would possibly flip again.

"Congrats Mila." Barbara said smiling as everyone clapped as they dropped to their knees exhausted from the intense challenge.

I'm so happy that I won the immunity challenge it feels great to know that I'm safe. You know it's funny it's time to play this game, let's see little Milly play - Mila

Mila walked with Barbara and Fernando the beach so that they can sit in the ocean and soak the pain. "I know that you're not going to align with us, but think about it. No offense Barbara, but I think it's time to vote someone from your side out." Fernando said.

Barbara sat in the ocean, "I might agree on you with that, but there's so many threats in this game still. We need to take out Austin or Angelina soon they're power houses regardless of the majority of not if we don't get them out they'll beat us." Barbara said.

A threat needs to get out as soon as possible. Were close to the finale ugh what's happening with me and this clueless tribe -Barbara

"Who do you think we should vote out tonight." Brett said stretching his legs out. Ariana looked at him, "It definitely has to been a threat in challenges wise or treat in social wise there's both so we have to be careful on what's going to happen." Ariana said nodding.

I agree with Ariana there's just to many threats still lurking it's time to take them out or we're going to lose! This vote is going to be really crucial on who is going to be voted out and who is going to try to make a big move -Brett

"I'm just ready to take out one of those annoying pest." Austin said as Angelina nodded braiding her hair, "Same after Yi was voted out I don't trust anyone." Angelina said as Austin smirked nodding.

I do feel guilty on taking out the power alliance, but it's a freaking game they could of easily ganged up on me! Sorry I have to take out who I need to survive this game -Austin

"Who are you guys thinking since we do have the numbers and if we stay together then we can survive to the final four." Mila said with Ariana, Brett, and Barbara. "Then it has to be Angelina,Austin, or Fernando." Brett said as they all put their hands in together.

"You need to make a decision, this could be a big move not for us, but for you. Think you have to think! Think." Austin said to Mila shaking her as she groaned.

I feel in the middle of this vote, I wonder what is going to on tonight. Just hope that everything goes well, but you already this is survivor - Mila

The remaining survivors grabbed their torches and headed to tribal ready to know what was going to happen tonight.

Survivor  - Arubaजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें