Tribal Council

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As the remaining six contestants on the Wendat tribe came in with their torches putting them down nervous on how this tribal was going to go down. Jeff looked at them, "Well welcome back for the third time, Barbara how does it feel?" Jeff said.

"Well Jeff, we are obviously struggling with communication if this our third lost, but hopefully after this tribal we can finally prove our strength." She said. "Brett, how is camp for you guys, are their any alliances?" He said

"Jeff, I'm not going to sugar code it, today all of us were looking for the hidden immunity idol, we know that anyone can go home and we don't feel safe. I mean, there's Ariana and I, Damien, Barbara and Austin, then Karlee." He said.

"Tell me Austin how is this vote going to go?" Jeff said. "This vote could possibly help us or can break us we have to see the challenges speak differently." He said as Jeff nodded, "Karlee, do you agree." Jeff said. "I do, we haven't been a lot of challenges and our communication is not the top." She said, but being interrupted by Damien, "Our communication is fine it's the lack of support people put through it." He said as Karlee looked at him. "Well, I know something's not going to be pretty it's time to vote." He said.


"If anyone has the hidden immunity idol and wants to play it, now well be the time to do so." Jeff said as everyone became silent. "You know what Jeff, I don't feel confident tonight, so I think I'll use it tonight." Karlee said grabbing the hidden immunity idol from her back as everyone looked with shocked as Austin looked. "What the f*ck you knew?" Damien said as Austin smirked as Karlee sat back down.

"This is indeed a hidden immunity idol, any votes cast for Karlee will not count ill read the votes." He said as Ariana looked at Karlee, "Sneaky." She whispered as Brett look concerned

"First vote Karlee doesn't count."

"Second vote Karlee doesn't count."

"Third vote Karlee doesn't count.

"Oh really." Karlee said moving her wavy brunette to one side as Barbara put her hands over her face.

" Fourth vote Damien."

Jeff revealed the vote, " Third person voted out of Survivor Aruba, Damien." Jeff said as Damien yelled out, "F*ck." As Barbara and Brett covered their mouth in shock as Ariana laughed, "Damn, you got played big time." She said as Damien grabbed his torch and hugged Barbara walking to Jeff, "Damien the tribe has spoken. " Jeff said burning out Damien's fire as he looked back shooting glares at Karlee and Austin.

"Well it seems that someone has just been blindsided, and this tribe needs to work on their communication if they ever want to be on top." He said as they nodded getting up and grabbing their torches walking back to camp.


Austin - Damien, Sometimes you have to play the alpha

Barbara - Karlee, You're just there

Damien - Karlee, Have to get rid of the girls sorry

Karlee - Damien, If my name gets written more then twice better believe you're leaving after I play this idol.

Ariana - Karlee, better then me

Brett - Karlee, I'm really sorry

Damien Final Words -

Damn, I didn't see that coming. Austin had really played me, just shows you that you can't even trust your alliance in this game. This experience for me was amazing, just wishing I has went further if Karlee never played that idol. Hopefully Barbara can survive without me since I was her more source, but I'm definitely rooting for her, and I'm proud of what I showed people this was fun.

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