Chapter 18- My saviour

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This chappie is kinea short but oh wells enjoy!
[ Skyler's POV ]

Ray left me in my room and went to go call the Fam to tell em I was ok so I was just looking around the room until my eyes got heavy and I slowly drifted asleep. I started having flashbacks of that night.


As he shifted around the room I felt myself tense up. He clicked his fingers and several of the guys who jumped me came in tying me down to the bed. I squirmed around and screamed wishin, hopin, prayin that someone, anyone would hear me and rescue me from my nightmare come true. Finally the devil himself ( Sevarion ) spoke. "Hmm hmm hm look atchu! I TOLD YOU I'D BE BACK TO GET U COZ UR MINE AND MINE ONLY! NO BITCH ASS NIGGA IS ALLOWED TO HAVE U! " His voice boomed around da room as he sent his ruffians away and started to walk closer to me unbuckling his pants. "N-no p-p-please Sev d-don't I-i'm not ready! "

Then It skipped to him being shot.

Just then the door bust open and the last thing I saw was the swishing of two braids and and Sevarion who was now laying in a puddle of his own blood.

And that's when it hit me. It was Ray who saved me. He was the one who shot Sevarion, the arms I felt around my body when I was unconcious were his! He really musta meant it when he said I was his life. He practically put his own life infront of mine and for that he is my Saviour. I love him and I'd take a bullet for him.

But then and again what about Prince? I mean I can't just forget about him. But from what JJ told me Prince is willing to give me up. Hmm maybe I should try hook him up wiv someone. But who?

Before I could even dream more, the door slammed and I awokefrom my slumber to see ma fam. I immediately burst into tears as Jarell ran up to me and hopped on my lap smothering my face with wet kisses. " Sky Sky I miss u bebe!" I laughed at his accent "I missed u too! Ooh u soundin so much like daddy!" He laughed and played wiv my dreads.

Then mom came running to me and hugged me tight! " u ok hunny bun? I thought u were gon die! Thank god u ok!" She gave me a squeeze then dad spoke to me. He kissed my forehead. "How u hol'n up babyguh? " I smiled. " I'm good daddy 0, thats is thanks to ya'll". We talked for hours and as everyone sed something I noticed Prince hadn't sed anything and he hadn't taken his shades off. Usually it's Prod who keeps his shades on not him.

"Hey ya'll can u give me a min wiv Prince please?" Both Ray and Prince looked at me. Ray lookin wiv anger and guilt, Prince with sadness and depression. I gave Ray a reassuring smile and then he left leaving ne wiv Prince. "So wassup? U ain't sed 2 words to me or anyone u just been sitting there staring out the window. He just sat there stsring at me. well this is gonna be a loooooooooong talk.

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