Without speaking, I turned around and walked to one of his bags of new clothes. I pulled out the blue swimming shorts, still a little depressed he hadn't tried it on in the store, but now praying that he would accept my offer. He seemed more than baffled as I handed it to him, his eyebrows shooting up.

"Go change," I told him as a small smile graced my lips. "I want to show you something."

"Harry, its dark out and you know-"

"I know you're scared of the dark, Louis. But I'll be right there, and besides... This'll be fun, all right? Just... trust me on this."

Louis raised an eyebrow. "That's not another trick question, right?"

I scoffed, rolling my eyes. "No, it isn't. But it might turn into one if you don't hurry up and get changed."

Sighing heavily, Louis popped two more M&Ms into his mouth before he shrugged. "Fine, Harold. But this better be worth going out into the dark."


"I'm going to have a panic attack and die right now and you'll never know because you're too busy laughing at me," Louis scolded as he walked behind me.

I smirked. "Louis, I'd know if you died because then it'd be quiet."

Louis scoffed. "You love my rambling, Harold. Just admit it."

You're right, I really do.

"Never in a million years. And would you stop calling me Harold?"

"Only if you admit you love my rambling."

"Not going to happen."

"All right then, Harold, don't complain."

Not being able to stop the small smile gracing my lips, I didn't dare turn back to look at him. I knew I'd get lost in those beautiful blue eyes of his, and I really needed to stay focused. I already knew seeing him in tight swimming shorts was going to make me go insane, but I seemed to melt under the twinkling eyes he has. It's like he has a power over me, just by meeting my gaze. It's beautiful and agonizingly pathetic all at the same time, and I'm not sure which one to be more afraid of; the way he has control over me, or the way he makes me feel.

Coming upon the area where I knew the little pond was located, I pushed through a couple more branches and held them out for Louis to pass. He was rambling about stepping on a rock or something when he stopped mid-sentence, his lips parting in absolute shock as he took in the sight of the small pond.

It wasn't huge, but it was near a bunch of rocks where a miniature waterfall was eligible to form. The moonlight highlighted the calm water beautifully, making it sparkle in the miraculous of ways. I found myself gawking at the sight, remembering all those years ago when I last came to this area. I shook my head, not wanting to relive those moments with an incredible person standing next to me.

"Wow," he breathed out.

"Beautiful, right?" I smiled as I jammed my hands into my swimming trunks pockets, glancing over at his dimly lit face, the moonlight casting a gorgeous shadow on his already perfect features making his cheekbones poke out even more.

"It's stunning, Harry. I just... wow." Louis grinned as he shook his head slightly.

"Worth going out in the dark for?" I asked with slight amusement, a grin painting my lips.

Louis chuckled, rolling his eyes at me before he stepped towards the water and dipped his fingers in. He seemed satisfied with the temperature as he waltzed back over to me, raising his eyebrows expectantly.

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