Nilai UN Kuki (Kookie's Exam)

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"Hyung, bantuin aku dong," pinta Kuki, melompat ke atas ranjang.
"Apa lagi?" gerutu Suga, kakak tertua Kuki yang lebih dikenal dengan nama Agus.
"Demi semua kodok yang pernah kutangkap, nilai UN Matematikaku jelek banget," bisik Kuki "Dibawah 40!".
"Matilah kau kyehehehehhehe," tawa Mphi, melempar kaos kakinya ke muka Kuki "Udah kubilang jangan pake rumus yang diajarin Mami,".
"Aduu aku dibunuh Papi nanti," keluh Kuki "Masa kubakar sih kertasnya?".
"Aku ada ide," kata Hosok.
"Apa?"tanya Kuki, mulai pasrah.
"Sini," Hosok mendekat ke Kuki dan membisikkan rencananya.

"Enchim! Sekarang!" bisik Hosok.
Jimin segera berlari ke arah dapur disaat Mami meleng, dan menyemplungkan kertas ulangan Kuki kedalam guci berisi selai Enchim yang disita Papi Momon.
Enchim segera berlari masuk kedalam kamar tidur. "Misi berhasil! Yeiiii!" teriak semua anak Akan Momon dan Putri Jin.. kecuali Suga aka Agus yang asyik mengarang lagu rap tentang bau kaos kaki Mphi.
"Misi apa anak-anak?" tanya Papi Momon yang tiba-tiba muncul.
Dengan santai Suga aka Agus langsung menjawab "Nyembunyiin nilai UN Kuki yang dibawah 40,".
Sore itu Kuki dihukum disuruh ngepel genteng, Hosok dihukum nyabutin gigi nyamuk, Mphi dihukum disuruh cuci kaos kaki Papi Momon yang bau banget, dan Enchim disedot lagi selainya sampai habis.

"Hyung, please help me," pleads Kookie, jumping on his bed.
"What now?" Suga grumbled.
"For the sake of all frogs I've caught in my entire life, my Mathematic exam score is freaking bad," Kookie whispered "It's below 40!".
"You're dead," V laughed, throwing his socks at Kookie's face "Have I told you earlier not to trust Mom on Mathematics?".
"God, Dad's gonna kill me," Kookie groaned "Or should I burn this paper?".
"I've got an idea," Hoseok sneered, his eyes twinkling with playfulness.
"What," Kookie sighed, hopeless.
"Come here," Hoseok signaled Kookie to go near him, while he whispered his plans to his youngest brother.

"Jimin! Now!" cried Hoseok.
While MommyJin is not looking, Jimin ran to the kitchen and hid Kookie's exam paper inside the jar of jams DaddyMon took from Jimin.
Jimin quickly ran back in their bedroom without their parents notice.
"Mission accomplished!" shouted all of the kids except Suga who is busy writing a rap about V's stinky socks.
Out of nowhere, DaddyMon appeared and grinned so brightly "What mission, kids?".
All calm, Suga said "Hiding Kookie's bad exam paper inside Jimin's jar of jams,".

Kookie spent his afternoon washing the roof.
Hoseok spent his plucking mosquito teeth.
V got told to wash DaddyMon's extremely stinky socks.
Jimin's jams got sucked again for good.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 20, 2015 ⏰

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