57 // mother dearest

Start from the beginning


"Yo, Christina, hurry up! You're gonna be late for your own baby shower."

She waddled down the steps with a pout on her face, meaning she was seconds away from crying. These damn hormones have her emotions all over the place.

"What's wrong?"

"I hate when you yell at me."

She tried to walk past me and out of the house, but I grabbed her hand and pulled her back to me.

"I wasn't yelling at you," I said, running my thumb across the back of her hand, "I was just yelling to you."

She looked up at me, and she was still pouting. I would be lying if I said she didn't look cute right now.

"Now can you fix your face?" I asked.

She sighed, but she did stop pouting, and I kissed her forehead. We finally left and when we got there, I was not expecting to see her mom.


Christina's POV||

I was so happy to see Aunt Cecilia & Cherie, along with a few of my other relatives. However, I wasn't expecting to see my mom, especially considering she, nor my dad, has yet to apologize to me.

I ignored her for a second so I could find Gail & Arielle, so I could thank them for this lovely baby shower.

"Are you okay?" Gail asked after Arielle walked away.

"Yeah, why?"

"I could barely sleep last night because I was worried about you," she said, "I had a dream that you got kidnapped again."

I could tell she was genuinely worried, so I just gave her a hug. She's been a better mom than my actual mom these days.

"It's okay," I told her, "I'm fine."

I let her go as my mom walked up to us with a woman I've never seen before.

"Gail, can I talk to Christina for a minute?" my mom asked.

Gail nodded, then walked off to find Blake. I really didn't want to talk to my mom, but I haven't talked to her in months. The least I could do is listen to what she had to say.

"Chris, this is my friend, Karen," my mom said as I sat in a nearby chair.

I nodded and muttered a "nice to meet you" to be nice. Who is this woman? And why did she bring her here?

"I don't mean to be rude, but what did you want to talk about?" I asked, "We haven't talked in months, and now you wanna talk?"

She & Karen sat across from me, and I guess Karen decided to speak up since my mom wouldn't.

"So how far along are you?" Karen asked, making me raise my eyebrow a little.

"Almost six months," I said slowly.

She smiled, but it wasn't a normal smile. It was almost like she wanted something.

"Have you been taking your vitamins?" she asked.

She sure is nosy.

"I'm sorry, but I don't see how that's your business," I said, trying not to sound rude, "I did just meet you."

"Sorry about that," she smiled shyly, "sometimes I can be a little pushy. I just want the baby to be healthy."

Okay, this woman is strange. Why is she so worried about my babies?

"So are you going to want a closed or open adoption?" Karen asked me.

I knitted my eyebrows together and stared at her blankly. "What are you talking about?"

Her smile faded, and she looked at me like I just killed her puppy.

"Your mom told me you were looking for someone to adopt your baby," she said.

Everything made sense, but now I'm pissed at my mom for pulling this shit.

"And why would she say that?" I asked Karen, even though I was looking at my mom.

"Let's be real, Christina," my mom started, "you're not ready for a baby. You barely have your life together; how are you gonna take care of a child?"

Hearing her tell me I barely have my life together offended me and pissed me off. How do I not have my life together?!

"But shouldn't I be the judge of that?!" I said, feeling myself getting angry.

This woman is something else. She hasn't said a word to me since she & my dad called me a whore, she doesn't bother to apologize, and now she's auctioning off my babies to strangers. Un-fucking-believable.

I stood up from my chair and looked at Karen. "I'm sorry she lied to you and I'm sorry you wasted your time, but I'm not putting my babies up for adoption."

"Babies? As in more than one?" my mom asked.

"Yep. You're gonna be a grandmother to twins but with the way you & your husband are acting, I don't even know if I want you in my babies' lives."

I walked away from them and went to find Chasity, who was talking to Blake.

"You look mad," Blake pointed out, "what's wrong?"

"What did Mama do?" Chasity asked.

I sighed angrily. "She told that woman I was looking for someone to adopt the babies."

"You're lying, right?" Chasity asked.


Both Blake & Chasity shook their heads, and I took a sip of water from Blake's cup to calm myself down.

"Don't let her stress you out, Chris," Blake said, wrapping his arm around me.

"Yeah," Chasity agreed, "you have more important things to worry about than Mama's foolishness."

Theywere right. I don't need to stress myself out worrying about my mom.


what do y'all think of Mrs. Jackson's little stunt?

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