:Inject Me Sweetly: Chapter Thirty

Start from the beginning

 “Oh. And if you have to find a wife, Fiona—”

            “Will live her life with someone else, which has to happen anyway. I’m not upset about that.”

            I pursed my lips. “But, Sebastian—”

            “It’s impossible for us. Besides, she doesn’t love me anymore.”

            “Yes she does!” I protested, bringing my face closer to his. “Sebastian, do you have any idea how many guys have asked her out at my school?”

            He crossed his arms. “Good for her.”

            “She didn’t say yes to any of them, Sebastian.”

            “Maybe they didn’t meet her fancy.”

            “Come on!” I cried, grabbing the front of his black jacket. “You know that’s not true! She still calls you Seb! We’ve talked about this! What’s got you so depressed all of a sudden?”

            He easily shoved me away from him. “I have to get married, Emily!” he shouted, losing his cool for the minute. “It’s over for us! I have no choice upon whether or not I want to be King or not! My life hasn’t been mine since birth!”

            I blinked at him, my mouth hanging open. This was the first time ever that I’d seen him yell.

            “I’d rather die,” he finished harshly.

            “So run away.”

            The words left my lips before I realized I was uttering them. Sebastian’s eyes widened in shock. I quickly covered my mouth with my hands. After a moment, he let his shoulders sag and fell back into the couch. “I can’t, Emily. I can’t do that to you and Vincent.”

            “Me and Vincent?”

            “If I leave and Vincent becomes king, it’s over for you two. A king could never rule with a human.”

            My cheeks warmed and I held up my hand. “W-wait Sebastian, Vincent and I will never get married.”

            He gave me a dubious look. “Really?”

            “Really. He’s a vampire… I’m a human. The boundary can’t be crossed. You know that more than anyone.”

            “There’s a difference between Vincent and I though, Emily. Vincent will not become king. He could live with you in the human world.”

            “And watch as I grow old and die while he stays nineteen forever?”

            “Well, he’s not nineteen. He’s actually—”

            I shook my head. “I don’t want to hear it!”

            Sebastian grinned. “Okay. Well, sure, he looks like he’s nineteen, but you could also stay young forever.”

            “I could?”

            “Yes. You know how, too.”

            My body froze up when I realized what he was suggesting. It took me a moment to find my voice. “Sebastian… I-I can’t. I can’t become a vampire.”

            “You can,” he urged. “It’s not hard. It doesn’t even hurt.”

            “No! I can’t! Don’t say it!”

Inject Me Sweetly / Dusk Until DawnWhere stories live. Discover now