Jule widened her eyes in amazement, the gate was open. She took her sword, and ran towards their direction. They were nowhere near threatnened, they instead thrust their sharp staff in her direction, causing Jule to fall back hastily. As the fishes pointed their weapon, a much larger fish with identical faces as the other two came forth.

Jule widened her eyes, it was taller than her, taller than Ace, and who knows what. The big fish had bent its head in order to get in without further difficulty, and Jule was not comfortable. The other two fished surrounded the big fish protectively, Jule figured the big fish was their leader. Either way, it was creeping her out.

"You," the big fish spoke, voice throaty, "are to be brought into the ceremony where Queen Fisa will decide your fate."

Jule glared, even though she felt the fear rippling through her body. She was more angry than scared, she pointed an accusing finger at the big fish. "You or your queen will not decide my fate. Neither of you sicko fishes gave me life, so don't you have the right to take it away.

The big fish laughed hoarsely, along with the other two fishes. Jule felt herself giggling herself, she definitely thought this moment was ridiculous. Imagine it, literally three fishes are laughing in your face. Fishes that talk.

She then saw the fishes were no longer laughing anymore, but continued laughing herself. It was ridiculous, and hilarious. The moment became awkward, her echo was her laughter. And the fishes were silent.

Abruptly her arms were grabbed violently, and she stared with shock, writhing as much as she could. "Its called warning!"

They ignored her, and swam out. The big fish swam in front of her, and the others. Jule glared as they swam by rocks, clams, corals, sea creatures. She was aggravated, never in her life she would ever get this treatment. Man, she knew she hated this world.

Passing more of the homes, and stuff. Jule shrieked when she saw a mermaid pop right out of a clam, staring in horror. She heard low groans from the fishes, and curses. Jule didn't care they deserved a good scream right in their faces. Still, they continued.

Finally, they arrived at an opened space. But on the sides of the open space lies many of those ugly fishes which were the mermaids she loathed to see very much. She looked ahead, trying hard to avoid those ugly faces. But was only worse. Up ahead, sat a very big mermaid with gigantic lips in a high chair. Or shall she say shell. The shell was held by the fishes, straining to hold it upright. That mermaid was just as ugly as the others. Horrendous.

"Greetings young one," the big mermaid said, "I am Queen Fisa."

Jule wasn't surprised by that fact, it certainly looked liked it. But still..."That name is awfully too pretty for you."

Everyone gasped, literally everyone. The queen began to roar angrily. "Bring in the boy!!"

Jule widened her eyes as she suddenly looked beside her. Two other fishes were coming in, holding a unconscious guy by the arms with his head down. Jule knew exactly who had that disheveled blond hair. It was Ace.

Jule looked back at the queen, and she was smiling devilishly with a large hint of triumph, looking as if she won. Jule wanted to slap it right of its ugly face. The queen visibly relaxed in her she'll, making the fishes under it, making it more difficult to hold. The queen's eyes were staring straight at Jule's, indifferent to those around her. "I suggest you stop insulting me, or your handsome man here can suffocate to death."

Jule glared immensely, she didn't think she could take this without doing or saying anything rash. So there was only one thing to ask right now that she was curious of. "How am I breathing underwater?"

The Forbidden Touch From the Abyss (EDITING)Where stories live. Discover now