I'm not going anywhere - Part 26

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"Ok guys lets try not to level New York. The gods might get mad if we break the Empire State building. Just saying." I say, looking back at the wreckage of the building as we fly up to the top of Stark Towers.

"No promises." Barton says quietly. Romanoff and I snort, trying to hold in some laughter.

"People we need to stay focused." Steve says, the corners of his mouth threatening a smile.

"Cap, give the kid a break, he just lost his girlfriend." Barton says and my small smile instantly disappears. Romanoff hones in on Loki and fires the gun again as Thor fights him. She misses and Loki shoots a blast of light at one of the engines. Cap and I grab on to something as the jet shudders and plummets to the ground. Barton struggles at the controls and maneuvers us into a open clearing and lands it expertly.

Who am I kidding. The jet crashed into the ground, leaving a wake of rubble in our path.

I get up from my seat and open the jet door. The four of us run out of the jet and look up at the giant hole above the Stark tower.

"We need to get back up there." Romanoff says. We nod in agreement when a terrifying roar shakes the city. I look back up at the sky, my hand pulling out my sword and....a giant I don't even know glides out of it. The length of at least six blocks, this thing is like the nightmares that are so bad, you can't even think them up.

"Stark you seeing this?" Cap asks.

"Seeing, still working on believing. Where's Banner, has he shown up yet?" Stark responds.

"Banner?" Cap questions.

"Just keep me posted." Stark says. "I'm gonna find a soft spot."

At that the four of us run and duck behind some flipped taxis as Loki and some aliens fly over the streets, blowing up every car in his path. And coming straight at us.

"Those people need assistance down there." Cap says, looking down at the civilians running away from Loki.

"We got this." Romanoff says. "Go."

"You sure you three can hold them off?" Cap asks, facing toward Hawkeye.

"Cap, it would be my genuine pleasure." He says and shoots an arrow at the incoming aliens. Cap sprints off down the street as I pull out my Glock and shoot some aliens down near his path. Natasha and Clint stop the incoming barrage coming from the other side of the street as I get some people out of a taxi that wouldn't open. I then take Clint's place and shoot at even more aliens as he pulls people out of a smoking bus behind us.

More and more aliens come. Clint trips one and jams an arrow in it. I left my guns with Natasha and swipe away at the Chitauri with my sword. For some reason they can be hurt by Celestial Bronze.

Works for me.

Clint ends up getting tackled by a Chitauri soldier so I yank it off of him and swipe its head clean off. Unforunately, unlike every other montser I have fought, this one doesn't dissapate into golden dust and some of its goop falls on my shoe.

"Ewwwww!" I say shaking my shoe and swinging at the nearest Chitauri. The three of us fight off a couple more Chitauri as they get closer and closer each time. I pick my gun back up and shoot at one of the streetlights, causing it to fall and take out a couple more Chitauri. As they close in on us, out of nowhere, lightning strikes them all down.

I look up expecting Zues but I see Thor landing down a couple yards from us. We walk over to him as Cap rejoins us after throwing his shield at a couple more Chitauri, finishing them off.

"What's the story up top?" Cap asks Thor.

"The powers surrounding the cube is impenetrable." Thor responds.

From Demigod to Avenger (Percy Jackson and Marvel Fanfiction)Kde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat