"We need to get out of here," Jessie said quickly, fighting off someone who tried to sneak attack him from behind.

            I watched in amazement as Harry jutted his palm out towards a group of four, sending them each flying backwards into the large oaks trees before they slumped to the ground. Another tried to attack him from behind, but he elbowed them in the nose before whipping around and landing his fist right on their cheekbone. I swear I heard a crack from his powerful punch.

            My eyes went down to my thigh now leaking blood and that's when the panic settled in. Like the pathetic damsel in distress I was, tears flowed from my cheeks from the pain and nauseous as I stupidly covered the arrowhead with my hand, but I wasn't courageous enough to pull it out.

            "Harry, we need to go!" Jessie shouted again, fending off one more person with a strong kick of his leg before more people filed from the trees.

            Harry rushed over to me. "Shh, it's okay," he said looking me right in the eyes as he went to pick me up, but the burning from my bracelet caused him to halt his motion with blistering hands. "Fuck," he cursed under his breath.

            "I-I can take the b-bracelet off and-"

            "No." Harry shook his head furiously looking into my eyes, "I don't want to risk that, Louis."

            As if he could sense it, he spun around and literally shot a fireball from his hand into the person nearing to attack him. My eyes bulged, my lips parting in shock at the incredible power he was capable of, but I couldn't question it due to my stinging leg making me holler out once more.

            "I can carry him," Jessie said quickly as he walked over.

            Harry flashed him a daring glare. "No, I don't want you touching him. We-"

            "Harry, he's losing enough blood as it is!" Jessie shouted, cutting his brother off as he gave him a look.

            Harry contemplated many moments, swallowing before nodding slowly. Jessie let out a sigh as he carefully slipped an arm under my knees, then one around my back. I yelped when he lifted my legs, sobbing harder as I gripped his t-shirt, as if that would subside the pain.

            "Go, go, go!" Harry said quickly as the brothers began running from the chaotic people, me in Jessie's grip.

            The speed both of them obtained was phenomenal and I realized Harry had been hiding his when I was running with him, most likely so he wouldn't leave me in the dust. The chants behind us grew fainter and fainter the farther and quicker we went, until finally the cries of evil were no longer audible to us. But they kept running.

            Harry led Jessie to the cabin where they practically busted through the door. The only one here was John and he rushed into the room, actual curiosity etching his features. Everyone else must still be out hunting. I didn't have time to ponder if they ran into anyone like we did, because Harry was shouting orders.

            "Put him on the couch, Jessie. John, go get whatever fucking potions you can find. Now," he demanded furiously, yet frantic all the same.

            Jessie gingerly set me on the couch, causing me to wince as I gripped my thigh outside the arrow still jammed into my flesh. Harry came over to me, staring down at me shamefully as he realized there was nothing he could do. He wouldn't let me take off my bracelet, therefore there was no way of him helping me.

            "This might hurt some," Jessie told me softly before he quickly snatched out the arrow, almost like a Band-Aid.

            I screamed, breathing heavily as more tears pooled my eyes. Harry looked away squeezing his eyes shut , almost like he couldn't bear to watch, but Jessie worked frantically as he took off his jacket, wrapping it tightly around my oozing leg. My eyes were getting droopy from the blood loss, but the pain overpowered the exhaustion quite easily.

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