chapter 13

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Blake's POV

"Blake you ok sweetie?" Ashley asked with concern in her voice.
"Yeah I think it's probably a flu" I say splashing water in my face still feeling sick.
"Blake I think we need to get you to the doctor" Ashley insisted and I sighed.
"Fine but I'm telling you I'm ok" I say and walk out of the bathroom.
I lay in bed grabbing my phone while Ashley makes me an appointment.

Blake-hey babe just wanted to let you know that Ashley is taking me to the doctor for this flu. Love you<3

Max-your still sick? I think I should come with you babe.

Blake-you sure I mean you've got to study for finals.

Max-babe your my main priority right now I love you too.

Blake-ok it's today at noon.

Max-ok I'll see you there.

I slipped on my purple leggings and a grey tank top over it with grey ballet flats and my hair in a messy bun.

Literally I feel like death no joke and I've been like this for a week.
Stupid flu....
"Miss Smith" a woman calls out and I stand up with Ashley and Max.
"Ok Miss Smith so what seems to be the problem" the nurse asks and I sigh.
"I've been feeling nauseous all week. Literally the scent of anything will make me want to throw up and I just feel exhausted and warn out" I say and she nods.
"Alright well I'll pass this onto the doctor and he should be here in a few minutes" she says and leaves us in the quiet room.
A few minutes later a man walks in with dark hair and ran skin who looked to be around his early 20's.
"Hello I'm Dr. Andrew's so it seems you've been feeling sick this past week is that correct Blake" he asks and I nod.
"Alright well let's just have you lay flat and I'll check your stomach out ok sweetie" he says and I nod.
When I'm flat he gently presses on my stomach asking if it hurts or if I feel sick at all and I nod.
"Would you be ok if I did an ultra sound to check your internal body" he asks and I nod.
He pulls out a small bottle of blue gel and puts some on my stomach making me shiver as he slides the machine across my stomach.
"Well that'd explain your sickness Miss Smith" he says and I look at weird.
"Is everything ok?" I ask worried and he nods.
"The reason you've been feeling sick is because your pregnant Blake. To be exact your almost 2 months along" he says pointing out the tiny little pea feeling a tear fall from my eyes.
I feel someone grip my hand tight kissing it and see Max crying.
"Max why are you crying" I ask worried if he's upset and he looks at me smiling.
"That little pea on the screen is part of us babe. It's something both of us made and will get to love. It's a mini you or me" he says and kisses my forehead as the doctor smiles and prints out a picture for us.

As I lay in bed I can't help but smile looking at the tiny bump on my stomach. I feel Max wrap his arms around my waist rubbing his thumb over my baby bump and nuzzling in my neck sleeping peacefully.
This will be my life with him. My loving fiancé and so to be baby will make me a happy woman.

*4 months later*
Max's POV

"Babe" Blake whines.
"Yeah babe"
"None of my clothes fit me anymore. Your engaged to a fucking hippo or something I mean look at me. I used to have a perfect body and now I'm fat" she pouts making me smile.
"Blake" I say lifting her chin up to face me seeing small tears fall.
"I will never think your fat babe. Right now your perfect in every way you know why?" I ask and she sniffles shaking her head no.
"Because your the mother of my beautiful babies. Your my beautiful wife to be and I will love you unconditionally no matter what. No matter if you think your fat, eat to much, or look a mess. To me your beautiful always" I say and she smiles nodding.
I'll tell you what with her hormones out of control she's a little scary. No joke haha. I've had to make so many late night store trips and constantly hear her day she's a lil hippo but if she is she's the cutest one I've ever seen.
We decided to get a place of our own and Blake has been doing classes still same as me except hers are more online since she's so close.
We found out last month we'll be having a lil boy and girl and I'm beyond fucking excited.
I honestly never thought I'd be here engaged and a soon to be father but here I am with the love of my life. The woman I couldn't live without and mother of my 2 children.
I love seeing her laying in bed singing to her bump and feeling the babies kick to her singing. Granted it was scary the first time they kicked and moved cause they looked like aliens haha but cute ones.
3 months later......

3 months equal 9 months total that means baby time lol let's see what happens

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