chapter 10

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Max's POV

3 months.....
That's how long it's been and Blake still hasn't woke up. She's still and pale. Her once black and lavender hair is now just dark brown. I haven't been able to hardly eat or sleep at all since the accident. I just stay at the hospital and talk to her. I don't know if she can hear me but I hope she can.
"Blake I got you something" I say as I look at her and see her chest move up and down softly. I set the vase of purple roses by her bed and sit in my chair holding her hand.
"I wish you could see them baby. Their beautiful but nothing compared to you" I whisper kissing her hand.
"I want you back so bad Blake. I was such an idiot to let my ego influence me when we were kids. Did I ever tell you that the moment I saw you how I felt. I remember that first day I met you Blake because only you truely cared about me"
*flashback memory*
"Everyone this is Max Anderson our newest student" the teacher says as I hide behind her.
She looks at me and smiles leaning down.
"It's alright Max you don't have to be shy. We're having rescues next so you'll get a chance to meet everyone" she says and I nod. All the kids played and I just sat on a swing in silence.
"Hi" a voice said and I looked up. Her long wavy light brown hair was pinned back. Her eyes were a bright blue that shinned bright. Her skin was pale but made her more pretty. She didn't dress like the other girls she just wore shorts and a grey shirt with high top black converse. She was so cute I couldn't stop looking at her without blushing.
"H-Hi" I heard her giggle and couldn't help but think it was cute.
"I'm Blake. Do you want someone to play with?"
"Um sure I mean you don't have it if you don't wanna"
"Hehe silly I was wanna play with you. No one ever plays with me except my two other friends and their both sick so I'm all alone. Plus you need a friend right" she said and I smiled nodding.
"Come on Blake haha please please please come" I begged seeing her giggle and blush.
"Ok I'll come hehe you sure it's ok with your mommy and daddy"
"Ugh huh hehe they really wanna meet you" I said and she giggled again.
I saw her run to her parents telling them about my parents party and they nodded making her happy as she hugged them.
"Oh Max hold still while I finish your tie" my mom said as I moved around purposely.
"No I don't wanna wear that tie it makes me looks silly" I say crossing my arms.
"Alright Max" she said sitting up fixing her knee length dress.
As we walked downstairs I saw Blake and smiled from ear to ear seeing her. She looked so cute in a knee length blue dress and hair down in waves with blue converse.
"Mommy hurry up I want you to meet Blake" I said pulling her hand as she giggled to herself.
"Mommy this is Blake my bestest best friend" I said hugging Blake as she giggled covering her face.
"It's nice to meet you Blake. Don't you look adorable in that dress. Awww and your such a lil angel I'm glad your friends with my son" my mom said making Blake blush again.
"Hehe you look silly Max" Blake said as we played outside and I blushed.
"Well you look like a girl" I said and she giggled.
"I am a girl silly haha" she said and I tickled her as she laughed more.
"Hey Max, we'll be friends always right?" she asked and I smiled nodding.
"Always Blake" I said and she nodded back.
"Max I've missed you so much haha how was your summer" Blake asked hugging me and I shrugged not answering and her smile slowly faded.
"Max are you ok?" her soft voice asked and I sighed.
"Of course Blake" I said and she nodded.
As each day went by in 5th grade I became popular and didn't hardly hang out with her anymore.
"Happy Birthday birthday boy!" a couple girls said at my birthday pool party and I smiled as they hugged me.
"Max" a soft yet sad voice said and I saw Blake looking down sad wearing glasses.
"Ohhhhh so four eyes thinks she can come to a poplar party huh" a girl said and everyone laughed as I looked down.
"I-I got you this Max" she said holding out a wrapped box and I looked away from her shrugging.
"Go away Blake no one wants you here" people say and I look at her seeing her crying as she drops the gift and runs off with my mom asking her what's wrong. All she did was look at me and say nothing then left.
I knew she existed and knew she became more shy around everyone constantly getting picked on by people cause she wore glasses and was smart. But my perfect little world gave me all I wanted and it became harder and harder to remember who I was.
*flashback over*

"I shouldn't of acted that way towards you but I did Blake. I promised we'd always be friends and broke that promise. I hurt you over and over again I should've stayed out of your life" I say looking down.
"'t......your....fault...." a soft weak voice says and I see Blake's eyes open.

"Nurse she's awake!" I yell and they rush in one by one.

Small back story moment

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