chapter 3

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Max's POV
Buzz buzz buzz
I woke up to my alarm going off and roll over to turn it off. Blake's been helping me out all week and today I get to spend some time with her at her house. To be honest I'm kinda excited because for one she's fucking sexy as hell and two it'll just be us most of the day. Yes I am actually the player think I am but for some reason Blake interests me. Then again she always has since 3rd grade but I got bored with the usual girls I was with.
I get up and take a shower then slip on a grey tight fitting v-neck shirt and slip on my jeans with grey converse. I grab my book and phone then leave the house getting in my black camero driving to the address I was given by Blake. I pull up and park my car then knock on the door.

"Just a second" a voice says and opens the door. I see Blake wearing an oversized purple sweater with black shorts and tall socks with her long brown hair flowing down past her shoulder curled naturally.

"Haha sorry I'm a mess" she says blushing and I snap out of it.

"You look far from a messy Blake" I say and she blushes more giggling. God she's adorable especially when she gets shy.

"Well come in" she days stepping aside and I walk inside seeing a few pictures of her growing up with her parents and smile.

"I hope your ok with studying in my room. I'm just kinda cold and it's warmer in there" she says and I nod as I follow her cute lil butt up the steps to her room.

She opens the door and sits on her bed with her legs crossed and I look around. There are pictures, band posters, and lights hung on the wall. I sit next to her and take my shoes off and she hands me a pillow.

Blake's POV
As we study for 2 hours I notice Max looking at me and can't help but blush. I mean I know he isn't into me but he's still really cute and attractive. But he also has a girlfriend so that's so not an option.

"I'm bored Blake can't we do something else pleaseeeeee" he begs and I giggle.

"Alright we can take a lil break haha. Do you wanna play some COD" I ask and he looks at me wide eyed.

"What?" I ask fearing I said something bad.

"Nothing it's just I've never met a girl who plays video games that's all" he says and I smile.

"Don't you and your girlfriend play together?" I ask and he smirks.

"I don't have a girlfriend Blake I'm fully single" he says and I feel confused but shrug it off.
"Damn how the hell did you beat me?" he whines and I giggle.

"Because I'm awesome like that haha" I say and he pouts but smiles.

"No fair... Your so mean Blake" he says like a little kid and I laugh.

"Haha sorry Max but you went against a pro not my fault you couldn't keep up" I say and he him smirk raising an eyebrow.

"What's the look for" I ask and he gets on top of my and tickles my sides making me laugh.

"Ahhhh Max s-stop haha I'm ticklish" I giggle and he smiles but stopping.

"That's what you get for gloating" he says and I keep laughing.

"Max haha that tickles haha please stop" I say but he doesn't budge.

"Say I'm the best" he says and I giggle

"Your the best Max haha now stop" I giggle.

"Nope not good enough haha say I'm amazing and cute" be laughs.

"Your amazing and cute haha" I say and he stops and I breathe.

"Haha your so mean Max" I say and he smirks.

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