chapter 11

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Blake's POV

"Nurse she's awake" Max yelled and in came 3 nurses.

Ok so I'm in the hospital but why?
Why is Max here when he hates me?

I look to see my mom and dad rush in crying looking at me and hug me tight. I then see a very pissed but crying Ashley coming in.
"Your mad?" I ask and she sighs.
"No I was just worried about you-you dum dum. Honestly who goes walking off in cold rain for 2 hours" she says shaking her head.

Before I can answer I see a man walk in smiling.
"Ah I see our girl is awake. I'm Dr. Wallis, so do you feel dizzy or any discomfort" he asks and I think for a moment.
"No just a little confusion. Why am I in the hospital" I ask and he sighs.
"I'm afraid you were hit by a car Miss Smith. There was some very high trauma along with a very threatening case of namonia. However, confusion is normal but sadly you've been in a coma for 3 months" he says and my eyes widen.
"3 months" I whispers unable to belief it. I knew I could hear what people said but it only felt like a day full of talking. How is this possible?
"Would you please look into this light Miss Smith" he asks snapping me out of my thoughts and I nod.
After a few tests to see how I was doing I got the all clear that I can go home tomorrow.

Ughhhhh I still don't understand what's happening at all. I mean I was walking then those guys grabbed me and it went black. Apparently Max came to find me and hasn't left my side at all in 3 months. Call me crazy but doesn't that seem weird that he'd care that much. But it's not just that that's crazy. While I was in a coma I dreamt of Max when I first met him. I also dreamt of the day he let the everyone make fun of me and was silent. I didn't see him fully face to face again till freshman year. Well then and this year.....

It's been a month since I got home and it's still a lil to adjust to. Here it is almost February and I'm drowning in college applications. All the schools have offered me a full scholarship but still I mean that's a hard choice to stay close or leave the state.

I hear my phone buzz as I fill out an application for Bronson University which is close and a really good school. As I look down I see it's from Max.

Max-please stop avoiding me Blake. I miss you so much if you only knew how much. I want to see you so bad it's killing me. Please talk to me....

Max-I love you Blake..

I sigh as I read them both. Since I got out I've been avoiding him. No matter how much I ignore him to he tries to get close to me. Texting me everyday that he loves me and was stupid back then and still was being stupid. I was getting to the point where I could barely stay away from him anymore. Just thought of him telling me he loved me made me want to go to him. I wanted him to hold me close and just never let go.

Blake-we need to talk.

Max-anything.... I'll be there in 5

Max-I still love you tho

Blake-if you say so

He was coming over and this talk was either gonna make or break anything we formed. I wasn't gonna be his toy and he can't treat me that way. Either he truely feels this way for me or I'm done for good.

As I heard a knock at my door I sighed getting up and shiver a little. Since the accident I get colder easily which is just fucking perfect....... NOT!?!

I opened the door seeing an exhausted, red eyed, sweat and hoodie wearing Max. As he looked at me he looked as if he wanted to cry and as if he has been.
"Max what's wro-" is all I can say before his lips crash into mine.
This wasn't like the other kisses he gave me. No.......this one was different. It held pain, sorrow, desire, guilt, and love.
I felt one hand grip the back of my neck while the other rested on my waist.
I felt something wet hit my skin and saw tiny tears falling from his face.

I gently push him away and hold him close to me.
"Max don't cry" I say feeling guilty.
I feel him grip my waist tight as he nuzzles into my neck still crying.
"I'm so sorry Blake" he whispers still crying and u sigh.
I rub his back and get him to look me in the eyes.
"Max..... it's ok. Don't cry anymore please. I don't wanna see you very" I say feeling my eyes water.
I feel his thumb brush away a tear that slips down.
"I love you Blake" he says and another tear slips.
"I love you too Max" I say hugging him close.

I loved Max Anderson..... What the hell am I in for now!

So the chapters a little short I know. Sorry!!!!
But I can assure you the next couple chapters are gonna have a lot of surprises, a few steamy scenes here and there and well let's just say a major shocker moment.
I am really liking writing this book and love that so many of you like it and read it. So I'm working on another book right now. Imma try and get a get a couple chapters done so you've actually got something to enjoy lol but I hope you'll like it if you choose to read it.
Till next time lovelies ;)

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