chapter 9

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Lil better pic Max's character for you!!!

Blake's POV

As we all ate Max kept glaring at me and I'd sigh feeling uncomfortable. After we ate I helped Megan do the dishes and Max kept watching me making me feel more insecure.
"Why are you here Blake I thought you wanted to leave so badly" he says and I sigh looking down not answering.
"Max quit being rude to her honestly I don't see why you've been acting this way but your not going to treat her like all the others" Megan says and he rolls his eyes unamused.
"I want an answer from her" he says and I sigh.
"I tried to leave ok Max I tried but they insisted I stayed here. God I hate you Max! You want me here one minute then you want me gone the next. This is how you treated me when we were little too so I should've known you'd never change. I was your only friend and what did you so just throw me away like I'm nothing. Well I guess I'm not Max. Please excuse me Megan it was nice seeing you and your husband again but I'm leaving" I say and they look shocked. I walk over to the door seeing the rain pouring harder than before and slip on my jacket to try and cover my head and start walking. I hear my name being called but don't stop.
*****2 hours later*****
I can barely feel anything from walking around and feel so cold and wet. I'm only about 30 minutes away from home but I can barely walk anymore. I lean against a brick wall to try to breathe or at least rest.
"What's the matter angel but feeling well?" a voice asks and I look up seeing two guys and back away only to see them smirk.
"Hey don't back away baby we'll keep you warm" the other guy says and I start to run and feel one grab my jacket. I pull away then feel a sudden pain hit me and hear people mumble something. I black out and feel like I can't move or do anything.
What's happening to me?
Max's POV
After Blake ran out I tried to call her but she kept walking then disappeared. I looked everywhere in my car trying to find where she was when calling Ashley and asking but she didn't know. I was less than 30 minutes away from her house and saw her leaning against a wall looking pale and parked instantly. I noticed two guys cornering her and one grabbed her jacket and she pulled away leaning in the way of the road and my eyes widened as I saw a car hit her side and she hit the ground. I ran over to her and saw blood everywhere instantly taking my jacket off and covering her while I put her head in my lap.
"Call 911" I yell and look at her.
"Blake look at me! Come on baby look at me you can do it" I plead as her eyes slowly look at me trying to shut.
"No baby you can't close your eyes come on keep looking at me I'm right here Blake I'm right here" I say seeing her tears fall effortlessly. I saw the ambulance arrive and they put her on a stretcher letting me go with her.
"Blake baby you've gotta stay awake ok. You've gotta stay awake so they can help you" I say and her eyes slowly shut and heart beat slows down.
"Blake baby please wake up!" I plead and we arrive at the hospital and the nurse stops me saying she needs information and I can't go back there and I nod.
"What happened?" she asks and I tell her how the guys grabbed her and she pulled away then feel in the road getting hit. She asks if she's allergic to anything and I try and think.
"Not that I'm aware of medication wise but her parents would know I need to call them" I say and she nods as I call then and my parents along with Ashley. Her parents tell me she's allergic to Novocain and I nod telling the doctor since they need to know now.
I see them all rush in with tears asking what happened and I tell them everything and start to cry.
"It's my fault it's all my fault" I cry and her mom leans down looking at me.
"Max look at me! This isn't your fault in any way. You went to look for her and there was nothing you could've done to stop the car. It was an accident Max. Blake wouldn't want you to feel this way she's always cared about you to much to let you feel this guilty" Blake's mom says and my mom hugs me along with Ashley.
As the hours pass by a doctor comes out looking exhausted and we all stand up.
"Are you all here for Blake Smith" he asks and we nod.
"I'm afraid Miss Smith got injured very badly. Not only does she have namonia but the car hit her very forcefully especially due to the driver being drunk. She's got some broken ribs, a fractured wrist, but we had to put her in a medically induced coma due to brain damage that could in term lead to possible perminate memory loss if she wakes up. Right now we need to get her healthy so her body will stop fighting off the medication. But you may see her now if you wish just follow me" he says walking to the elevator and presses 3 and leads us to a room at the end of the hall.
As I look at her I wanna cry more. Her beautiful skin is bruised and cut. She's covered in IVs with liquid and has a mask over her face for oxygen. Her mother cries and I can't stand to look anymore and look away.
"My poor baby" her mother says holding her hand.
"You'll wake up sweetie I know you will" her father says.
Everyone went to get something to drink and I sat in the chair next to her bed and wanted to cry.
"I'm so sorry Blake. I'm so so sorry. I've been a jerk since we were kids. I left you then and let you leave now and you still got hurt. It's all my fault Blake I'm so sorry. I just want you to wake up. Please wake up kitten I love you so much and I can't stand to lose you. I want to see your smile again. I want to hold you again while you sleep. I want to kiss you again. I want you and only you no matter how long I have to wait" I say crying as I hold her hand.
I love her so much that I won't lose her I can't lose the one thing I've always loved.

I'm crying writing this but it made the story come together a little. But still it's so sad.

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