Dear Rabbit

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Robin felt very much in pain, though it wasn't his, it was his ankles...they felt as though they'd been gnawed off. With wary eyes and a dry mouth, the boy blinked a few times until he'd been able to see clearly.

The first thing he'd noticed was that the area was very cold and that it seemed snow was blistering, a freak snow storm had hit the area it had seemed.

The second thing had been....

His leg brace had been broken... The one chance...he had to walk again..was shattered beyond repair. Tears welled up in Robin's can that could he eradicate all the effort that those men and women had put into this was cruel and it was not fair....

"It's all your know..."

Dear rabbit, my legs are getting weak... chasing you...

Slade walked out with blood staining his once white beard, he looked like a bloodied version of Santa clause . Robin had tried to push his body up but his arms were numb...that bastard had drugged and sedated him...

And the snowfields... Wouldn't seem so big, if you knew

"I couldn't have you running, not now...not ever..."

That this blood on my teeth, it is far beyond dry...

The young boy had felt his eyes go wide as he now spotted the gun in the hands of Slade, was...was he going to kill him...kill him or was he going to torture him in this place forever...

And I've captured you once, but it wasn't quite right...

"But...'s not of the importance, you're going to die...then...then I'm going to die...we...we're going to be together more lies..."

So I'm tellin' you.. That you'll be safe with me....


Red x was speeding so fast that he'd crashed his bike and had flew right into a stone cold wall, his body shook violently and he'd been sick in the snow. Glass dug into his hands dying the white fleece of ice red.

"I h-have to get to h-him..."

He coughed up as he crawled, not caring that the glass dug into his flesh with every pained pull. It was as though something primal was possessing him, the need to protect that bird...had seemed to pass the need to look out for his own health.

Oh rabbit, my claws are down now so don't be afraid...

Jason left a red trail of blood in the snow, his hands were turning blue from the frostbite decaying away at his hands. His eyes burned from the ice that chipped at them, but through it all he'd not let that child suffer anymore...only one of them would die tonight...and he'd not let it be Robin....not a chance.

I can keep you warm, as long as you can just try...

To be brave.....


Robin was doing his best to wriggle away from the maniac that walked towards him with that look of insanity on his face. The boy was terrified...terrified of the man that had once saved him...why...why could that man had not just stayed...not didn't he listen to Jason?

"'re going to die in my arms... Isn't this...what you'd more suffering? To die in the arms of the man that loved you..."

Tears were running down his cheeks, this wasn't how he'd wanted to die...he wanted to die...he wanted was at this point, he noted where he'd been. This was the arena...where he'd been held, where he'd suffered years of abuse from The Ringleader. Robin felt his heart getting sorer and sorer until he doubled over from the stress.

Yes I know I'm a wolf, and I've been known to bite...

But the rest of my pack... I've left them behind.

And my teeth may be sharp, and I've been raised to kill...

But the though of fresh meat... It's making me ill!

"Why did you choose me..."

The boy choked out as blood spilled out his lips, he had started to hyperventilate from the shock to his system. Slade just stopped and stared at him before replying.

" can I let....the victim of my rape, live and tell?"

Hearing those words be spoken caused the boys whole world to spark and frazzle out, fragments of broken memories returned to him until he went still and rigid. Slade walked to him and placed the gun to his head.

"I really did love you, sweet didn't obey me...I really hate when people don't listen..."

The sound of laughter from the boy below him , made the older man blink in confusement, but maybe the child lost his mind in the end and death would be the best way to set his mind free. Robin didn't look up but spoke to Slade.

"You know what's funny, Slade?"

Robin said with little to no emotion in his voice, making the older male crouch down to his level to get a better earful of what the boys last words were going to be, he'd be sure to make a note of them for the death certificate he'd make.

"What, Robin?"

Slade looked at the boy only to see the insane glare in those blue hues, before he'd known it blood was spraying from his neck and then from his head. The boy had stabbed his main artery , Robin stabbed his jugular .

"You didn't fucking check for weapons"

Robin dug the fork into the throat of his arch nemesis, his face was being coated with red sticky blood. Staggering back, Robin watched as the older male fell on to the floor in a messed up heap, his memories and the proof of what happened, had all returned to his mind. The boy let out a cry of pain and anguish as he just knelt there.

"Now..that I knew...know.. The truth....the pain is far from worth it...."

Robin choked back a sob and a hiccup as he clutched his arm , pulling his body to the dead one of Slade's, he took from the corpses hands, the gun that was to end his life and put it to his temple . His eyes caught sight of Red X. The moments went slows concrete as he began to pull the trigger.

"Thank you."

So rabbit, please stop looking the other way...

It's cold out there... So why not stay here, under my tail...?

The shot of the gun went off....


So did this explosive chapter make up for the time it took to update...



Oh , well , xD

I love this song. I know I'm a wolf.

It suited Slade's character in this story.

So what's happened, did Robin kill himself, did he aim the gun away or has something even worse happened ?

You should all watch this video for that song, it's where I got my inspiration for this chapter, I'd not recommend it if it wasn't extremly heart wrenching. :3

Anyway. To my reviewers, and everyone that supports me, enjoy the semi final chapter, of The Price Of Freedom


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