Baby Steps, Baby Steps.

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Robin for the past 4-5 days had been asleep in what seemed to be a stress enduced coma, his pulse was steady but his brain waves kept spacing. Nurse Delancy was extremely worried for the boy that lay there. Nurse Travis had returned from his leave, as of the moment it was him that catered to Robin .

Checking the boy for any sign of waking up, he jotted down some notes in his pad and walked out of the room again. It was really a shame that his brain had gone into a stress enduced coma, he'd just been about to speak.

"He's taken a shine to you."

Chuckled his female co part as she walked by him, their relationship had really boosted the past few days that Robin had been there with them, in a sense, he saved it. Delancy yawned and rubbed her eyes , she'd had little to no sleep due to the worry.

"Go home and rest, me and the kid will be fine, it's only a few hours to pass until you arrive again, sleep while you can."

Not taking any second answer, the woman turned to leave, she cast a last smile to Robin .

"Get better soon, birdie."


Slade was growling as he pulled his body along, he'd hurt himself pretty bad as he jumped over a fence full of barbs. His arm was cut and he could feel the sting burning, his bird was out of reach for now, but he'd find him and he would take him back.

"I just have to be calm and tend to myself, before I tend to him."

He muttered to himself that was when he'd heard the sound of speaking, looking up he had spotted a hospital ward open. Maybe he could get himself treated, his mask would give him away, so he'd need to do without it for a while.

Removing the garment, revealed a white beard and a black eyepatch, he was sure no one will question him like this. With a limp, he headed to the desk and places a blooded arm onto the counter. A nurse walking in nearly shrieked at his condition. Slade was rushed into the A&R to be treated, his arm was infected, as was his leg.

"Good lord man, you are a tank to endure this."

Stated a doctor as he stitched up the open wound on his leg. The man just shrugged and stared over at the light, a shout was heard , joy it sounded like. A man with brown hair came rushing through to a woman with silvery blond hair, at the news he'd shared, her eyes widened in happiness.

"He's awake!!!"

She screamed , many of the doctors looked relieved as they shook her hand, this had left Slade in a very confused mood, who exactly had been so valuable that them waking up had caused nearly an uproar.

"Such a good thing, the poor boy."

Exclaimed a doctor as he worked at the second arm on Slade, who by now had gone past confusion and in to a serious mood, it couldn't have been Robin? That was too easy, way too easy for him. Deciding to focus on himself, the man shut his eyes and fell into a decent sleep.


Robin blinked his eyes a few times , the groggy feeling had begun to cease and his head no longer felt light as it did before. He felt arms pulling at him, he recognized them as the female nurse, Del. She always made him feel very happy.

As she pulled back, he leaned to touch her face and tilted his head, he tried to speak but his brain never processed the words , no matter how much he tried. He could not speak, using sign , he tried to show the nurse this.

" can't talk now?"

She asked in a startled manner , he nodded sadly and felt very ashamed of himself, but the other doctor just shook his head and pat the boys shoulder.

"Dick, you have endured a very traumatic experience, it's common for children not to speak. Don't you worry, you'll get back on your feet soon enough."

He smiled at the boy as he removed his hand and walked away from him to the outer area for a smoke. Looking down at his legs, Robin began to feel very angry again and gripped onto his shirt. Nurse Delancy pulled him to her and smiled.

"Don't worry honey, that man can't hurt you anymore, he's far away from you."

The nurse rubbed the boys arm in a gentle manner as he looked up at her and smiled , maybe she was right, they'd taken him in hand cuff . Slade couldn't possibly have escaped so easily from them.

Robin was gently eased off his gurney by the nurse as they headed to the children's room. As part of his rehab, he had to associate with others of his own age, it was funny though...when he looked out of the hospital window, he really could have sworn....

That he saw a flash of purple vanish before his very eyes.

"Dick , honey.. The class is this way, silly"

Stated Del as she directed him to the classroom, he rubbed his eyes and as fast as she was there, she was gone.

'Maybe...maybe I'm over tired...'

Shaking his head , he looked back once more, before walking with Del into the classroom.


The female was searching everywhere, earlier she'd seen Slade . The one person she had not wanted to see for a long time, and he was there. If he was near, she'd know that Robin would have been too.

"I have to find him...him have to..see he's safe..."

She repeated over and over again to herself and that was when her eyes had caught him, she stared wide eyed at the boy before her, he looked nothing like the person she'd known...but .. But he was alive...he'd not been dead...he was really there....her leader...her friend....Robin...

"We will save you. Robin....just, stay safe..."

The woman whispered as she began to teleport, she cast a spell of protection on her friend as she began to vanish.



Slade felt his eyes widen at the voice, it couldn't have been....she had ...she'd been killed, he watched the flames engulf her body. Lips curdling into a frown. The presence before him stood.

"So, are you still sore about your birthday?"

The man states not looking at the woman who was sending dark tremors into the room, he smirked at her in a sly manner.

"Raven Roth..."

The girl removed her cloth and stared at him with a serious look.

"We need to talk. Slade...."

Ooooh shock!

Bet you never expected this

And if you did then nooooo you ruined my shocking end

But yea , I promised a chapter

A chapter you shall have.



But what business, has Raven with Slade?

Will Robin regain his speech and his memory ?

Will the other Titan show up soon , when they hear that Robin is safe.


This is LilMiss, over and out !


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