Ashes To Ashes

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This chapter is not official

Think of it as an added bonus until the real one is added, this small bio based chapter idea was given to me by one of my loyal viewers. So this is a hands off to you!

With that said, let's get the side of Red X's story.

What did he see through his eyes, the day that Robin had his life thrown into turmoil?


Maybe there was another reason that the Titan had not wanted to restore the boys memory? A much more sickening reason?


The male known as Jason, formally, Red X was speeding away on his bike, the wind in his face and a smile donned his lips from under his skull like mask. Jump City was such a busy place but it was also his only area that he loved to bike, other area seemed to bore him.

Plus, the titans lived here, always a fun pass time to rile the little brats up. Especially that damned leader of theirs Robin. For some reason the kid made his blood boil, maybe it was due to his rich heritage or maybe it's because he was just like himself when he was younger, whatever the reason. The boy just pissed him off.

"If he just focused, he could do better than the Titan, those stupid brats...he's wasting his potential."

Jason murmured to himself as he stared into space, it was then he'd heard the familiar noise of yelling and the smooth sounding voice of Slade as well. This would be a fun show to watch, the titans getting their asses beat. That though made him giddy.

With no haste the male rushed out to the scene of the crime, as he'd thought the titans were getting beat. It was a showdown to Slade and Robin , the others were beaten horribly. The gothic one was still fighting , though she'd been slashed in the arm it had seemed.

"You're beaten, Robin...your team has lost it's wings.... You're losing blood you know..."

Slade stated to the boy that was trying not to show any weakness in the face of his most hated arch enemy, which was a hard thing to do when you were losing blood by the minute. But then the man just picked him up by the neck and forced him to look at his fallen comrade.

"You've lost your team lost and there is nothing that you can do."

From his spot, the other male was not happy. Slade was a grown man and the innuendo that he'd been implying on the kid didn't sit well with him. He may be a villan, but he was no paedofile . Not by a long shot . Jason decided to watch more before acting.

Slade slammed the boy into the wall and stunned him, his hand stroking the young boys loins softly, his lips locking on to Robin's own terrified ones. Jason stared at this sight, sick to his stomach. Slade was...Slade was making out....with Robin...and...that worst thing made him...aroused...

"What the fucking hell , what's wrong with me, I'm getting turned on by this and by it happening to a damned kid no less, what the bloody hell?!"

Red x gripped his head as he stared at the sight again, the face that Robin made, was one of anguish and defeat. It was was aroused...the kid had never done something like that no doubt. Slade pulled the boys pants down and began to lick his member. Raven stared from the place she was and felt herself get sick. This was a do or die moment and they couldn't afford to die.

Raven took one last look at Robin, the amount of humiliation that the boy was feeling and the shame etched on his face. It was the look of utter defeat. No person should live that way. Standing up, the girl held her arm and began to chant an incantation. Red x blinked and looked around , what was the girl up to?

Rocks and leaves floated around the area as the chant got louder and louder, even Slade stopped his heinous act to look up at the girl. The only difference was that he'd known the spell that was being chanted. He tried to run with the boy, but this was where Red x had intervened with this whole charade.

Striking fast, the male hit Slade with his bike, knocking him out cold and sending Robin flying head first into a rock. Red X crawled over to the unconscious boy and tried to wake him up but it was not any use. Looking around he jumped when he saw Raven.

"You... You know this is for the best..."

She spoke to him as he clung onto Robin , he didn't know shit. This was wrong, whatever spell she was doing it was incredibly wrong and inhumane. Sensing his distrust, Raven knelt beside him.

"I have to take his memory know...and I know...that allowing him, to recover the memory of being near raped by Slade would kill him. Is that what you'd want, would you want him scarred by that? Jason?"

Raven stared long and hard at him and then at Robin as she placed her hand on his head. Jason was forced to look away, he couldn't handle to watch this happen before his own eyes. The incantation finished and Raven stood up.

"When he wakes up, he'll have no memory....not of us, Slade, you ...his mind will be a blank slate. I...I think this is best..."

She admitted and backed away as the other stood up with the boy in his arms, he didn't know what to do now. Jason didn't want to be apart of the titans dramas, he had his own to sort never mind this. Raven walked to him and placed a hand on his .

".....hide him...please just make sure...he's never found...."

The mage begged him with pleading eyes, Red x took a few breaths and tried to calm himself down before he returned to look at Raven.

"I'll....I'll do it..."

Jason agreed begrudgingly as he started to walk away from the mage but as he did she called out to him and he stopped. Not wanting to be there any more than he'd needed to be.

"Remember........once you do can't ever go back....for him...."

Red x stared at her long and hard.

"How can you just let this....happen...."

He asked her as he stared, the boy still asleep in his arms. Raven replied.

"Because......I love him and if you love the have to hurt them to keep them safe....I won't let....that memory, kill the person I love.....okay...."

Hearing this made him stop for a while, but after pondering it over, he just walked away , making a promise of his own.

'One day.....I'm going to come out....I'll come out and say....'

The male took a long draw of breath.

'I love you.....Robin....'


Here have this little story that explains why Robin had his memory wiped
We also learn, Raven loves him
Red x was the one to take him to the auction .
Slade commits an act of deprivity.

Hope you enjoyed it.
I'll update soon


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