The Big Bad Wolf, Never Asks For Help?

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In the midst of all this chaos, Robin hadn't a clue of the misfortune that had become of him, his eyes were heavvy and he only clung to the heat that was being let off by the person holding him, he believed it was nurse Del. The boy hadn't a clue that it had been Slade.

His mind was wandering far away from him, trying to claim a memory fragment that he had envisioned, but the more he tried and he tried to get it, the foggier and more sore his head became until he'd been forced to stop his perusal. Sighing heavilly, the young boy felt his eyes open.

On the first glance, he'd thought himself still suffering from the gas that'd been used on him for his leg operation. But as he rubbed and rubbed, it was horrifically true that he'd suffered no dream. This was reality, as if it wasn't terryfying enough, he was cuddled to the person who'd cost him his legs.


Eyes wide from the shock, his body tried to move but it was not happening, the man cast his eye down to the now awakened boy and smiled that god damned in human smile to him. It caused Robin to freeze, as though all of his blood had turned to ice.

"Well, little bird, have a nice sleep? you know, it was a shame they all had to die, that nurse, Del? was it, she sure seemed cozy with you. But didn't you tell her..."

Quick as a flash, the mans hand clenched onto the young boys throat in a vice like grip, tears began to fall down Robin's cheeks as he stared up at this..this inhuman man, this demon who held him so fiercely.

"...That you belonged to someone, didn't you tell them how nice I was to save you from the sex ring that held you captive, you ungrateful little brat...I bought you with my own damned money, I let you in my own fucking house and all you do, is cower and run...I'd never of had to cut your tendants if you obeyed me and stayed put, but no matter...I am going to ensure that you'll never think of betraying me ever again...."

Stated the man with Robin still in his vice like grip.

Slade was far beyond being merciful, the boy was his to own, his to punish, if he'd wanted to teach him a lesson, then by the name of Satan, he'd teach him a lesson. With the boy still in his iron grip, he began to walk over to the window , without warning, he held the boy out of it. Robin was crying so hard that his breath got laboured.

"I am your owner, I can be heaven or I can be seem hell bent to make me hell, so what can I do to punish you, I can kill you by letting you fall to your death. Or I can watch to see if you can fly like a real bird."

Taunted Slade with no mercy to be heard in his voice, the man continued to do this until he stopped and sighed, he looked at the crying child in his grasp.

"God damn it , Robin...why are you so DIFFICULT..."

Snarled the male as he brought the boy in from hanging by a hair, it was then that he heard the boy mutter something inaudiable, this had infuriated the man so much that he shook the boy profoundly until the words were screamed out.


This sudden outburst had caused Slade to drop the boy and stagger backwards from him, so they'd told the boy his real name, had they enclosed something else to him? Did the boy know who he was now and of his actual identity. Robin was sneering at the older man in disgust and in betrayal.

"You knew my name all this time, and you never even told me, you'd kept my other life secret...all this time..ALL THIS FUCKING TIME!?"

A clear blow was landed to Slade's chest, it was soft but still enough to cause him to wince slightly from it, the boy delivered this hit after hit until he just pushed away from Slade. The younger male cast his eyes to glare as he spoke again.

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