"I'm so hungry" Maama complained. "But if I eat now, I will start to feel lazy. So I have to suck it up till we're done. Thankfully this is the last room" she sighed then suddenly remembering something she gasped and looked at me, "Did you have breakfast?!"

I smiled

"Oh my God what is wrong with you Maheen?! You should have had breakfast before coming to join us"

It's nothing really, when we're done-"

"Keep those things" she instructed. "Get up and go eat something"

"Maama I'll-"

"Go get me a plate of food" she instructed the lady who hurried out of the room. when she returned with the food; she handed it to Maama who surprised me by scooping a spoonful and pushing it into my mouth. After chewing and swallowing I made to collect the plate but she emptied more into my mouth.

"Maama I can feed myself" I laughed

"Apparently you can't" she frowned, "Shut up and eat" she said repeating her action of pushing the spoon into my mouth without warning. I eventually stopped resisting and opened my mouth willingly. I saw the maid laugh at us and I couldn't help but chuckle too. Which Maama chastised me for informing me about the dangers of it

"There" she smiled after handing back the plate to the lady to take it back, "You already look healthier"

"Thank you" I said

"Don't be silly. I do this to all of my kids" she flashed me a warm smile before we both quietly resumed our work and it was 6pm by the time we were done.

"Ma'am," the maid called for Maama's attention as we walked out of Afra's room. "Should I go ahead and start sweeping Ya Akram's room?"

"Oh Lord" Ma groaned, "I totally forgot about his room. it needs to be cleaned too"

"I'll clean it" I said to Maama. "You have worked too much today. You go rest," I commanded her lovingly like she did me earlier

"No. Akram isn't as unorganized as his siblings. It won't take long, let's do it together"

"I said I'll do it" I said blocking her from heading towards his room.

"You sure?" she smiled at me.

"Absolutely" I smiled back before asking the maid to lead the way as we went into Akram's room.

With each of the three rooms we entered today I felt a different kind of surprise and this room didn't fail to surprise me either. It was bright. Very bright. The wooden king sized bed was sprayed cream along with the dressing mirror, chest of drawers and a bookcase. The carpet was mostly cream with light brown streaks and his walls were white. His fur couches were the same brown as was in the carpet and his curtains were white decorated with a lacy cream fabric. It was hard not to feel uplifted in the room. I noticed then the excess light in the room was partially because of the large glass door leading to a balcony his siblings didn't have.

Well I guess it does pay to be the first child in some houses.

I opened his wardrobe to do what we had done with his siblings but saw his clothes neatly stacked. I smiled internally as I closed it back. His books were neatly arranged and I only noticed one lying on his dressing mirror so I placed it back. I took a few minutes to read the titles of the books and they were not all medical as I expected. He had a handsome collection of wildlife and sea creature magazines. He also had quite a few novels displayed. I picked one realizing there was really nothing for me to do, I stepped into his balcony and let her carry on with her work. I sat down on one of the two basket chairs surrounding the matching coffee table and began reading the novel. I had no idea how long it had been when I heard sounds of objects being dropped on the dressing table. I realized then she was probably done so I stepped back into the room to check. The room was dark and there was little light from outside to help since it was almost sunset. I saw a large male standing in front of the mirror and let out a piercing scream.

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