Chapter 34

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Riverwave was talking to Chickfluff.

"I'm worried about my kits." The yellow she-cat admitted. "Is that normal? The other queens don't ever seem worried."

"Yes, it's perfectly normal. Don't worry. They're all in good paws." Riverwave told the worried queen.

Suddenly, Emberglow raced into the camp with the patrol following behind her. "Pebblestar! Pebblestar, IvyClan is sick! We have to help!"

Riverwave was shocked. IvyClan was sick, when they usually were the strongest Clan, sickness-wise anyway. She jumped to her paws and followed her friend to where Pebblestar was laying in her nest. "What?" The silver leader spoke in an annoyed way.

"We need your permission for Riverwave to come with us!"

Pebblestar looked confused, and Riverwave felt the same. Oh, so I'm the cat that must heal them?

Pebblestar growled. "What happened now?" She asked.

"We were patrolling IvyClan border. We came across no scent, which we thought was confusing so we entered the territory. Fluffpaw should have told you about that. Anyway, at the camp, cats were laying everywhere, sick. Their deputy died yesterday, and their leader is on her last life- and on her last legs of that life."

Pebblestar growled, her ears flicking. "Why?"

"We have no clue," Emberglow hurried. "We just need Riverwave. She may be able to help!"

Riverwave didn't wait for Pebblestar's response- she was already in her den gathering useful herbs. "Hmm... Catmint maybe. Or should I bring watermint?" Eventually, the silver tabby decided on bringing as many leaves as possible and rushed out the den, ready to help IvyClan.

Emberglow was soon behind her, along with Bluewhisker following. The bundle in Riverwave's jaws began to dribble. Oh no. I can't let the precious juices get away!

She readjusted the leaves in her mouth, with an attempt to save the juice. Soon, the three cats neared the border. Emberglow plunged ahead, leading the way for Riverwave and Bluewhisker. Vines scattered across slim trails, and Riverwave could hardly see the sky above them. Occasionally, a bundle of giant thick leaves would fall from the canopy. Riverwave's legs never stopped.

Soon they reached the camp. Vinestar was in the centre, feebly clawing the ground. She looked like she was in a lot of pain. This is terrible.

Hacking coughs sounded in every direction. This didn't sound like green-cough. It was too different. . . . Many cats had running noses, most of which has puddles of snot beneath their muzzles. No cat made any movement as the EchoClan cats neared, besides coughing.

The cat named Brokenyowl- the IvyClan deputy was lying where he had died. These cats were much to weak to move- let alone bury a dead cat. Riverwave walked towards Vinestar. The creamy she-cat coughed up a glob of green snot as she approached. Then she sneezed, spraying it everywhere. A slow trickle of blood followed.

Catmint? What? I don't know. Riverwave unfolded the bundle, taking out medicines used for coughs, such as catmint and tansy. She chewed them thoroughly and spat them back into a leaf. She also mixed watermint with it.

She pawed some of the poultice into Vinestar's mouth, but the IvyClan leader didn't swallow.

"Fetch me some soaked moss." Riverwave ordered Emberglow.

The dark grey she-cat didn't question why, but ran off to find the nearest stream.

"It's ok." Riverwave soothed. "You'll be ok. When she gets back, I'll trickle some water down your throat, and hen you have to swallow these, ok?"

Vinestar slightly moved her head. Riverwave suspected it was a nod. She left the weak leader alone and went to another cat.

The cat had swollen patches all along his pelt, and he looked like he was in a lot of pain. Riverwave took a bundle of feverfew from the pouch and gave it to him.

Soon Emberglow arrived again, with the bundle of dripping moss. Riverwave gave it to the weak leader, who lapped it up greedily. Then she began to tend to the other cats.

A cat called Hollymist blinked up at her as Riverwave gave the poultice. The cats black fur was matted from lack of grooming.

Riverwave helped the cats all day, and suddenly a voice came from behind her.

"We need to be cured," the IvyClan leader suddenly growled. "Can you leave us some herbs so we can care for ourselves? Our medicine cat is gone, dead and I don't know what to do. One of our kits has taken an interest in herbs. Shimmerkit, her name was. If you can find her, take her, and please teach her herbs."
Riverwave was surprised to hear the leader talk; her throat must be pretty sore.

"Well, of course I'll help. What does Shimmerkit look like?"
"She has long tortoiseshell fur. Her meow sounds very high pitched, and her mother died a few days ago. Bring her to me first if you find her."

Riverwave nodded and began to search for the lost kit. "Shimmerkit!" She called out.

"Shimmerkit!" Riverwave's voice was starting to weaken. Would the kit even be alright? She hadn't been cared for yet, and if she wasn't sound soon, she could easily succumb to the sickness.

"Shim-" She was in the middle of calling the kits name when she heard it. A sharp, clean meow.

"Help!" The meow said.

Riverwave followed the voice. She arrived to a kit, and picked her up by the scruff. The poor kit had been stuck in the hole this whole time.

Riverwave brought the kit to Vinestar, who had a few brief words for her. "You need to learn from Riverwave." The leader rasped. "She'll teach you all about plants, but you'll have to live with EchoClan for a while. When you're done your training you can come back and live with us again. Ok?"

"Yah." Was all the kit said.

Riverwave fold the leader how to use the herbs, and where she would find them the best. Then she left, carrying the kit with her.

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