Chapter 3

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Ashkit padded out of the den entrance and yawned. His light grey fur shone in the sun.
"Hey Shadowkit!" He meowed before padding over to the slender black she-cat.

"Hey, Ashkit," she purred. "We're going to be apprentices soon! I can't wait, can you?"

"No. I wanna be a warrior now!"

Suddenly Riverkit and Emberkit padded out of the den.
"I have to go talk to Blackwave," Riverkit told her. "I'll see you later!"
After that the silver she-cat padded over to the medicine den, eyes sparkling.
Emberkit ran towards them.
"Hi, guys, are we practicing battle moves today?"

"I don't know, I wanted to do hunting crouched and leaps." Ashkit told her.

"Suit yourself," she growled before padding away again, Shadowkit following.
Ashkit didn't want to practice by himself so he went to see what Riverkit was doing.
He poked his head inside to see Riverkit mewing.
"Blackwave, I need to be a medicine cat!"

What? Riverkit wants to be a medicine cat? But she would be such a great warrior . . .

Blackwave seemed just as astonished as Ashkit, because she opened her mouth in a massive gape and then asked: "have you thought about this?"

Riverkit had her answer ready. "Yes, I've thought about it lots. I used to like practicing battle moves with the other kits but now . . ." She said in a wistful voice. "I also really enjoy coming here to help. It makes me feel like I can do anything. And that's what you always tell me. You say to follow my heart. And I think this is where my heart lies- helping sick and hurt cats. I need this Blackwave!"

Blackwave looked at the young cat with a soft gaze. "You know, you can never have a mate or kits if you choose this path."

Riverkit just purred. "The whole clan will be my kits."

So that's why she always comes to the medicine den to help. She's been trying to decide for ages. If only she'd have told me. . .

"Very well, I'll talk to Pebblestar," Blackwave agreed finally. "You may go now."
Suddenly the silver she-cat burst out of the medicine den happily, but then she saw Ashkit.

"What have you been doing here?" She gasped. "Have you been spying?"

"Well I um I wanted to come and see you since the others are practicing battle moves when I wanted to practice hunting," He started. "But when I got here, you were talking to Blackwave."

"You know, don't you?"

"Yes, you want to be a medicine cat. But don't worry! I think you'll be a great one."

"Thank you, Ashkit. Now if you'll excuse me, I have to go tell Shadowkit I talked to Blackwave.

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