Chapter 2

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It had been three moons and Riverkit was confused. Her whole life she'd wanted to be a warrior- fighting rival clans and hunting food for her clan- but now... She didn't know.
It seemed like such a simple question- medicine cat or warrior- but what should she choose?
Her sister, Shadowkit, was playing outside with Ashkit and Emberkit.

"I know!" She muttered to herself. "I'll talk to Shadowkit. She always seems to know what to do!"
She raced out the nursery entrance, just to trip over Weaselgrowl's tail.
"Watch it!" He hissed. She wondered why he was by the nursery- he didn't have any kits- and then she noticed Chickfluff standing beside him.

"Wha..." Riverkit asked sleepily.

"I'm expecting kits!" The young yellow warrior explained. "I have to sleep in the nursery now. Mostly because this big fur ball over here wouldn't stop worrying." She flicked her tail playfully across Weaselgrowl's ears.

"I don't want you to get hurt." He explained.

"What a great reason to keep me locked up for so many moons." Chickfluff mrrowed in amusement.

The two warriors pushed past her into the nursery and she heard her mother talking to them.
A minute passed, and Sandslip came bursting out of the nursery yowling something about moss.
When she spotted Riverkit, she stopped and mewed hurriedly. "I need you to get some moss for Chickfluff, there's some around the big oak just inside the entrance of the camp. Ask Blackwave to show you how to slice it properly, I don't have any time." And then she hurried off.

Riverkit padded to Blackwave's den and poked her head inside.
Blackwave was talking to a huge black tomcat with massive red paws, whom Riverkit recognised as Redfoot.
"Can you help?" He seemed to be staring down at his paw. Riverkit gasped as she saw a huge cut on it, glistening with dark red blood.

"Yes, come into my den. I'll get a poultice of marigold and comfrey," Blackwaze told him.
The big tomcat followed Blackwaze into the den.
When Riverkit padded in, the den smelled strongly of herbs.
She looked to see Blackwave smearing a gooey poultice onto Redfoot's cut.
When she finished, she mewed. "There you go, you may want to take the rest of the day off to rest, but it will heal fast. Come back tomorrow so I can check on it."

Redfoot nodded and then walked out of the den.
"What happened to him..." Riverkit muttered to herself.

"He fell on a sharp stick," Blackwave mewed. Apparently she had heard.
"And what may I help you with today, little Riverkit?"

"I'm helping to make a nest for Chickfluff for when she has the kits," she began. "Sandslip told me to get you to show me how to slice the moss properly."

"Okay." Blackwave stood up and then mewed again. "Lead the way!"

Riverkit knew that Blackwave knew where the tree was, but all the same, put her chin head up and marched forward, Blackwave close behind.
When they had reached the tall thick tree, they paused.
Blackwave went to the tree. "Watch." She ordered.
Riverkit watched as Blackwave sliced a perfect line in the moss.
"Now you try." She mewed.

Riverkit padded forward and sliced at the moss, cutting it all into small slices.
"Nice," Blackwave purred. "Now put it into bundles. You can put one bundle in your mouth, and then tuck the other under your chin."

By the time Riverkit had finished with the nests, she headed to the fresh-kill pile to get some prey. Shadowkit, Ashkit and Emberkit were all there, gathered around a nice plump mouse.

"Hey guys, can I join you?" She asked.

"Sure," Ashkit replied.

"Where were you anyways?" Shadowkit wondered out loud. "we haven't seen you since morning."

"I was collecting moss and after that I went to see Blackwave for a while and help out." Riverkit told them.

"Ok. Anyways, we'll be apprentices soon. You should practice training with us tomorrow. We practiced fighting all day."

"Uh ok." Riverkit gulped. She would have a long day tomorrow.

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