Chapter Six -Stranger Danger-

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Sky walked down the hall, groggy from the lack of sleep. Everyone knew about the body by now, some stayed in their rooms -It was considered safe-, while others went to the kitchen. Sky himself went to the kitchen, not wanting to be alone. He definitely wouldn't eat though. When he entered, he took note that half the people were there. Ian, Husky, Zek, Jin, Ty, Lachlan, Bodil, Bashur, then Mitch. Zek and Bodil were together, they obviously had developed a friendship. Mitch was talking quietly with Bashur. Ian was trying to eat, Husky there to help. Then, people like Lachlan and Jin were alone. A few people were eating, not much though. Sky was disgusted. How could this happen. Why? A question going threw everyone's head: Why them?
He sighed, deciding to grab a piece of bread, wanting to at least try to eat. He managed to choke down a few bites, but that was they end of that. "Yeah, I think he's strange too." Those words, Sky managed to hear from the conversation from Mitch. "...way he looked...the body." These words were quieter, but he managed to hear bits of it. Sky wondered who they were talking about, it could be anyone, maybe even him. He sighed and decided to just drop it. It could be any from the number of people. Sky thought about everything, "Only one person leaves!" The words imprinted themselves in his mind. One person. The more he thought, the more he was sure he'd die. It's similar to, lets say, you're in class, and the teacher will pick a random name, and they win a prize; and deep down, you know you wont be picked, but still hope you do, a little sliver of hope. That's how Sky looked at it anyways. He glanced at the people around him, a few...he felt like he knew? But, he had no memory, no one did. He felt sick again, his head hurt from thinking, and he was tired. He didn't want to go back to the rooms, so instead, he walked to a living room type area. He laid down on the couch and starred up at the ceiling. He stayed like that for a while, then movement made him glance at the far corner. Two girls sat there, Queen and Ender? Sky couldn't remember, he just knew they had unique names. At least he wasn't alone. They chatted about random things, like they knew each other since for ever. The silence was nice, but the small amount of noise made it better. It reminded Sky that he wasn't alone. The boy closed his eyes and just breathed...hoping when he opened them, everything would be gone, he'd wake up in his own bed, and he could remember everything.When he did he was met with someone starring down at him from behind the couch. He shrieked and toppled off it. "Oops! Sorry!" He said, his voice laced with a thick accent. It was Bodil, of course. He never really talked to Sky before....
"I-It's alright." Sky stuttered out, getting up. Bodil hummed and sat beside him. Sky awkwardly sat down. Bodil chuckled and just watched him. He shifted under his gaze, uncomfortable. "You'll do." He murmured, then got up, walking away. Sky sat there confused as to what just happened.

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