Chapter 2: Ripped Sleeves and Missing Food.

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When Luke woke up that morning he'd actually forgotten about the kitten he'd picked up the night before. It wasn't until he felt tiny paws walking across his abdomen and a slight pinch in his nose where the kitten had bitten him. His eyes shot open at the sudden pain and was met with vibrant green eyes and burnt orange spotted fur. Luke groaned and tried to move the kitten and go back to sleep but he wasn't going to budge.

"Mmmmm go back to sleep Mikey." Luke groaned out and the kitten looked slightly surprised at the sound of Luke's morning voice. With that Michael jumped off him and ran somewhere else in the apartment. Luke rolled over and glanced at his clock, it was already 11 and he luckily had the day off from his job. He decided that he'd get at least another half hour of sleep and set a alarm on his phone.


When Luke woke up to the shrilling sound of his alarm he saw Michael no where to be found. He got up from bed still being in the basketball shorts from the night before and wondered into the kitchen. He swore when he went to bed he still had a shirt on but now his bare chest was exposed. He shrugged it off and went to the fridge. He was absolutely starving because he hadn't eaten dinner last night after giving his new pet a bath.

He was searching for his leftover chinese food from a couple of night ago when he couldn't find the take out box. Luke look from top to bottom of the fridge because that was the best takeout he's ever had and was hoping to relish in it again. When he couldn't find it he gave up and settled on making some eggs and sausage. When going to throw away the trash he noticed something.

On top was empty container from the food he had been searching for. A pout formed in Luke's face when seeing it. Now he defiantly does NOT remember eating it. He picked up the container and it was still slightly warm meaning it was eaten within the last twenty minuets. Luke was now beyond confused and in that moment Michael jumped on the counter in the kitchen.

When he finally settled down he licked at his paws and around his mouth. Luke dropped the empty container back in the trash and turned to pet Mikey. The kitten leaned into his touched and purred loud. Luke turned back to the stove and started to make his breakfast even though it was 12 in the afternoon. And if Luke started humming and dancing no one had to know.

When Luke finally settled down on the couch in his apartment he realized he still had to set up Michael's stuff. So he went back into the kitchen to set his food down and got the supplies out. He knew his breakfast was probably going to get cold but he felt that Michael should come first. He pulled the empty litter box and litter out from the cabinet and set it up by his small balcony door.

He then grabbed the small bowls left over from cat sitting awhile ago and filled it with food and water for the cute little fur ball. He'd have to thank Ashton later for leaving the stuff behind. When he finally set everything up he turned back to his food. It was now slightly cold from being left alone and plopped back down on the couch. He heard the little pitter patter of feet and Mikey appeared.

Luke turned on the medium sized tv and started watching Bates Motel, Luke loved this show no matter how fucked up it got and he had no idea why. As Luke sat and at he got indulged in the show he felt a paw tap lightly at his hand holding the form with eggs that he was about to eat. He turned and there Michael was with big pleading eyes.

Luke sighed and turned away, he wanted to give him food but it's not healthy to do that. Mikey would then expect to get it all the time and Luke didn't want that. He once again focused on the Bates and even though he'd already seen this episode he was still on edge about what was going to happen. He was about to eat a piece of sausage when a furry face smashed with his.

There Michael was trying to steal Luke's food right off the fork. Like found it adorable but also kind of irritating because if the kitten was that hungry then he could just eat his hard food. So he scooped the tiny thing up and brought him to his food bowl, when Michael began to eat Luke turned away and returned to his food. And Luke found that he couldn't make it through the episode because of a food stealing ball of fur.


Luke pulled one of his favorite baseball tees over his head. His friend Ashton was stopping over for a little while and Luke thought he should probably get dressed. Though Ashton wouldn't mind shirtless Luke he still thought he should. See him and Ash have been friends even back home, they once even dated. But broke up to mutual agreement.

Ashton had found someone else and Luke was okay with that because things were more awkward in the relationship then when they were friends. But anyways he was excited to have Ashton meet his new friend. Ash was so excited when Luke told him that the older boy was bringing him a collar as a special treat. He knew that the boy would love his new little kitty.

While making sure he was decent in the mirror Michael sat on top of the toilet, Luke was glad that his mother always made him put the seat back down otherwise he'd have another bath on his hands. Michael watched him style his hair with careful eyes which was weird, you'd think that they would be confused at the humans behavior but nope the kitten was so sure of himself.

When Ashton finally knocked Luke was in the living room flipping through channels. He didn't bother to get up because Ashton had a key and this was just telling Luke that he was about to barge in. So when the curly headed boy plopped down next to him immediately snuggling him Luke laughed. He loves cuddling but he would never dare to say it out loud.

After a minuet or five he felt slight scratching at his arm and a little tiny meow was heard. Before Luke could even blink Ashton was off of him and cuddling Michael. He could hear Ashton giggling and smiled he looked at the two and noticed that Michael was getting slightly mad attune curly headed idiot. Within the next second a hiss was released and a sleeve was ripped. Luckily it was Luke's because he'd been taking hold of the kitten.

Luke had a feeling that Mikey was just one tiny grumpy kitty and that he didn't mean to be so bad. So with a kiss on the head and a slight pout from Ashton Luke put the kitten in his room to cool down and he left the door open. Luke walked back into the living room, "Sorry about that Ash. I think he's just still getting use to things around here." Ashton just smiled and pulled Luke into a hug and handed Luke the collar. Luke put it on the table and settled down with Ashton to watch a movie. Only slightly sad about the rip in one of his favorite shirts.

With A Meow And A Belly Rub Luke Knew He Was In Love With The Ball Of Fur. {Muke Clemmings}Where stories live. Discover now