ch. 10

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it was just standing in front of the towering hospital that made leon possibly more uneasy than he had felt so far. the minute those automatic doors slid open he would have to face whatever was inside, he just hoped it wasn't too late.

the male's eyes flickered over to a display of colorful flowers, possibly meant to make the hospital look more festive for whatever reason. pansies and daisies, and some other types of flowers you have no clue on what they're called. extending his hand, leon ripped a brightly colored yellow flower from its stem, he had no clue what it was, but the single plant had caught his eye.

finally, leon turned and shifted up to the entrance, allowing the doors to push open and let him inside.

inside was worse. sickness and death lingered in the air, every few moments a cough would be heard and you may never know if that person had a cold or some horrible disease.

now what? leon had made it this far, and it was 4:00 in the morning, visitors can't get in at this hour, right? leon cautiously approached the front desk.

"hello? I'm looking for an emil steilsson."

was he supposed to say that? leon wasn't sure, he'd never gone to a hospital on his own, let only called his local clinic to arrange an appointment without assistance.

the woman working at the front desk peered up from a pile of papers, studying leon. her name tag had two simple words printed on it, natalia arlovskaya, and when she spoke her voice was accented.

"visiting hours are closed."

"I know, I just need to know if he's a patient here."

natalia went silent as her gaze darted to her computer. she kept scrolling and scrolling, but still no prevail.

"I'm sorry, you must be mistaken."

"okay, thank you."

now leon wasn't sure weather to feel relieved that emil wasn't hurt or injured, or perhaps he should feel more upset than he should. he still had no idea why emil sent him this address, or what on earth was going on. damn, was this frustrating.

to [ emil ] : look, I'm done playing games

to [ emil ] : I'm at the fucking hospital

to [ emil ] : where are you??

to [ emil ] : what the hell is going on?????

to [ emil ] : emil???????????


leon could feel head pound. it was almost 4:30 am, emil was nowhere to be seen and he still had no clue about anything that was going on.

leon took a seat in the waiting room, feeling his hands immediately go to his face. he could feel the warmth of his own tears travel down his cheeks, out of drowsiness and frustration and absolute lovesickness.

it was tearing him apart.

he could hear the door leading into the actual hospital area open and close and open and close and thought nothing of it.

that is until after it opened and didn't close. instead, an awfully familiar voice broke the silence. and although that voice was twisted and broken, it was unmistakable.


oh god what have I done

roommates : hongice auWo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt