ch. 9

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it was dark, but honestly at this point leon didn't even care.

the hospital was at least a thirty minute drive from the apartment, however this did nothing to concern leon. he could feel his anxiety growing, what on earth was going on? his rental car blurred past the brightly colored city around him, enveloping the teen in a feeling of comfort, but it did little to calm his nerves. despite his concentration on the road, he could feel his mind slip to another place.

emil. emil, here, with him. windows slipped down just enough to allow a thin sliver of cold march wind to enter the vehicle, just barely allowing his blonde hair to curl around his earmuffs in the most ridiculously adorable way. the topic of their conversation between the two would be whatever they felt like talking about, an article in the news or an upcoming movie or just life in general. sometimes leon would manage to get a giggle out of emil, perhaps it would only last a second. but no doubt was it the cutest thing.

it didn't take a genius for leon to realize how much he yearned for that. how much his gut twisted when he thought about emil's safety or what he would meet once he arrived at the hospital. it was a sickly feeling, like the kind you get from being away from home.

but leon wasn't homesick, leon was lovesick.

he was madly crushing on non other than emil

he was madly in love with emil.

thirty minutes became twenty.

twenty minutes became ten.

ten minutes became five.

five minutes became three.




after what seemed like and eternity leon finally parked his car in the hospital parking lot, taking no time to make his way into the large building.

short chapter, not much happened but I feel like taking my time to actually focus on the hongice so yeah, a lot's gonna happen very soon don't worry ;o;

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