ch. 7

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it was the voice of his roommate that pulled leon out of his thoughts. glancing up from his hands, the male watched as lukas tossed a small collection of envelopes in his direction.

"some stuff came for you."

nodding, leon proceeded to finger through the pile. mostly magazine subscriptions he would never use, one from his family back in china. but finally, he found one that made him stop short.

as he tore open the envelope, not bothering to read the address, he was greeted by a letter coming from a school.

in denmark.


leon eyed the letter, obviously perplexed. he could hear lukas shift on the other side of the room.

before his roommate could snatch the letter from his hands, leon's gaze fluttered over to the envelope. the name lukas bondevik was printed in bold letters.

"hey, gimme that."

leon grit his teeth as the paper was quickly peeled from his fingers as lukas stalked back to his bed. the asian could only feel his confusion grow.

"you've applied to a university?"

no response, only lukas quietly scanning over the document.

"all the way in denmark?"

still nothing.

leon paused, hoping for further information from lukas, only to hear nothing further. so he pushed on.

"does emil know about this."

immediately lukas tucked the paper away in his pocket, launching up from his bed.

"haven't you heard of not sticking your nose where it doesn't belong?" he growled, which caught leon by surprise. he hadn't expected such a hostile response.

sighing softly to himself, the norwegian quietly slipped out of the room, mutter a few quiet words before he left.

"I'll be out late tonight, don't expect me to be back by morning."

well this was short oops qvq'' however, expect more intensity to occur throughout the next few chapters -w-

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