
I let out a grunt as I felt myself finally stir from unconsciousness. My throat was dying for water and my back ached from lying down for too long. I could hear a faint hum and the sound of sausages sizzling come from the other room.

I felt my eye lids pry open as I squinted against the morning sunlight that flooded from the circular windows. Turning slowly away from the light, I found myself no longer on the hard wooden table but a plump couch, a thin woollen blanket tucked around me.

Suddenly I felt my stomach churn. Instinctively, I rolled to the side, accidently falling off the couch. I landed on the hard wooden floor with a thud. I groaned as I felt pain sweep through me. All of a sudden, I heard a baby's cries come from one of the other room.

With my head resting weakly on my arm, I let the tears fall down my face. Those cries reminded me of my son. When he was only a few months old, he would cry early each morning. I remember faintly how Thranduil and I would argue who would go and calm him.

All I wanted was to have my son in my arms. Feeling his soft breath against my neck as he feel asleep. I need him. But, I cannot be with him.

Suddenly, my stomach churned again,  this time more severe.  I covered my mouth to prevent me from being sick, that's when I heard the sound of hurried footsteps come my way.

In seconds I found myself emptying my stomach contents into a bow, my hair was pulled back and my back being lightly tapped, hearing,

"That's right dear, get the rest of the poison out of your system."

Afterwards, I weakly wiped my lips with my hand, feeling a little lightheaded.

"You poor soul." The kind voice exclaimed. "Let me help you back on your feet, okay?" I felt a hand wrap itself around my waist, helping me back on the couch. As soon as I sat down, I found a glass of water be placed before my eyes.

Gingerly, I grasped the cup, bringing it up to my lips, feeling the cool liquid flow down, soothing my throat and getting rid of some of the horrid taste in my mouth.  

When gulping down the rest of my water, I looked up to see a lady staring at me.

She looked familiar. Who was she again?

It took me a little while before hazy memories came flashes at the back of my mind. I bowed my head and said in a slightly croaky voice, "I am forever grateful for your kindness. I am sorry if I have caused you any trouble, miss..."

"Belladonna. My name is Belladonna Took." She chirped, her hand gently brushing strands of my tangled hair away from my face.

"My name is Belle... Just Belle." I said, not wanting her to know my real name or she would freak. I watched quietly as her lips form a small toothy smile.

"Well Belle, you have given us quite a scare. At first I did not know if you would have survived the night, due to the extreme loss of blood and the poison in your leg. You are lucky my husband and I hand some knowledge in healing or you would be dead." When she had finished, I asked,

"And again I am forever grateful. How long was I out for?" She replied by saying, "Oh, nearly four days! If you hadn't just woken, we thought you would sleep forever. Your horse wouldn't stop pacing in the back yard last night, made deep rows in my nice lawn, he was. Anyway,"she said, shaking her head then lightly patted my bandaged shoulder. "Why don't I get you some breakfast? You will need it to fill that empty belly of yours."

With that, Belladonna stood up and skipped to the kitchen, softly humming to herself. When she was gone, I gazed down at my body. My ruined nightgown was gown and in it's place was a pale green dress, made out of what looked like curtain fabric. It was a simple dress, with only one sleeve. With that, I could see that both of my shoulders were bond tightly in bandages and as I lifted the skirt, I could see that it was the same with my thigh. Judging by what she had said earlier, the arrow must of been dipped in poison. Other than that, all the rest of my injuries were healing away nicely.

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