The City Under The Sea

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"I don't understand, why do you have do this?"

"Ma'am I don't know why but I know that its unlikely she will come to any harm." he paused like he was considering something, "ma'am there is one last thing you need to know. As you know there are abnormal's that have dubbed themselves 'heroes' or 'villains', now I don't want to alarm you but because of these circumstances the entire city with be on international television."

"I beg your pardon?"

"The entire city will be one giant T.V. show mum" I said

" Exactly, now I will need both of you to sign this form to say that you are okay with this."

My mother and I stared at that paper for what seemed like hours. In the end we signed it. One year later I was sitting with a bunch of other girls on a plane waiting for it to take us away from everything we had known. That was the last time I saw my family not on a computer screen.

May 7th  11:30

As I was sitting on the plane I could hear all the other girls and women talking about random things.

"Oh my gosh! Do you think there is going to be some hot guys there?" I heard one woman say, although she sounded like she was only 13.

"Well duh! Like 70% of all of the super powered people are guys! They can't all be ugly!" her friend replied. And they all burts into giggles.

Their endless banter about "hot guys", new clothes, make-up, and other girly things made me want to puke. It also made me glad I had the seats beside me to my self. As I watched the other people on the plane I noticed that there was a woman and two guards walking down the isle. The woman appeared to be talking to each of us in the isle and then moving on. She was also handing out sheets, I figured they were only surveys or registration forms. As the girls behind me finally shut-up I knew that she had finally gotten to them. I could hear them talking quietly I knew it would be a matter of seconds before she got to me.

"Hello how are, Oh!... Are you the only one in this row?" she asked clearly surprised.

"Yes, I don't deal well with new people or strangers." I replied nicely.

"Well you don't mind if I sit with you during the ride, do you?" she asked quite happly.

"Umm... sure, I don't mind..."

"Great! I'll see you when we take off" She said as she handed me the sheet and headed to the row in front of me.

Um... I had no clue what just happened, but I wasn't completely sure it was a bad thing. I did know that at the very least I could try and get some more information on what exactly what the city was. As the Capitan of the the plane came on to tell us the woman from earlier came back and sat beside me.

"Well isn't this nice! I haven't been able to have a semi-normal conversation since the out-break." she said very exasperated. "It's all science, and secrets. I suppose I just want to talk to some one"

"Well I'm happy to help with that." I smiled, this could be nice.

"Really? Thank you! I Really hate all the secrecy and crap that's been going on with the Omega Protect. Would you tell anyone if I told you?"

"No! Of course not! I wouldn't do that!"

"Great! I guess it all started when the first bad guys started to pop up with powers. It might of started small but it was slowly escalating. That's when they decided that we would need a safe place to house all the abnornal's. No offence, of course!"

"None taken"

"Good! They pulled in every expert they could find on everything even vaguely related to what was happening..."

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