A minute later when I see Money and Capri walking back toward us, it takes everything in me not to run to him. I turn to the ladies with a sudden boost of confidence and give them a real smile this time. "It was nice meeting you ladies."

"Likewise," Kianna said, "we should hang out some time."

"Of course." I say, saying my goodbyes to all three and walking over to Money.

"Welcome to the team." Capri says to Money, shaking his hand.

They exchange a couple more words before saying their goodbyes. Money takes my hand and lead us away. "Aight we can go."

"We're leaving?" I asked, surprised. Not that I cared, but we only have been here for an hour, for the amount we spent on our looks I thought these people would want much more from us.

"Yeah." He says. I then notice that we were actually following behind the man that had collected us at the door. We were going somewhere and I wanted to ask Money where, but the man was so close he could still hear me even if I whispered, so I didn't say anything.

He goes toward one of the cars out in the driveway of the house and we separate and go out the gates toward the Dodge Nitro. When we get inside I fire off my questions. "What happened? Where are we going? Is he taking us somewhere?"

"Nothing I got welcomed aboard, we're business partners. He's taking us to where we're gonna be for the next two weeks. He said we have business in a few days and instead of traveling all the way three hours back out here we can just stay out here. Plus we can lay low from the Ice and Mac shit for a while."

We drive thirty minutes away to a much more busier area. It's sort of like a city area with a residential and business district mixed. It reminds me of pictures I've seen of Manhattan in New York. Housing complexes among businesses everywhere.

We pull up to a brownstone complex and park it in the garage that belongs to the building. These people had everything set up, we didn't pay a dime for parking. When we get out the car, the man that led us here is already standing next to Money's driver door. He rolls down the window.

"Just go to the receptionist and tell him your last name. You're already on the list, your on the six floor, room six hundred twenty five."

Money nods and he leaves. Money and I get out and follow his instructions, there's a doorman who opens the door for us with a polite smile and we continue on. Money tells the receptionist our name and without missing a beat he checks something on the computer and opens a draw, handing us a key.

The lobby was huge, cold and had three different TV's hung on up on the wall. The furniture looked more expensive then what should only be in a lobby and the plants in the handcrafted vases were tall, there were expensive paintings and canvases on the wall.

We take the elevator and the whole place is dead silent. It's even more awkward with the man who's on the elevator there to press whatever floor we need. I wonder if he's wondering where we're coming from at this time, dressed like this. But if he is, his facial expression doesn't say it.

As soon as we get off, we walk down the halls looking for our room. "Did you know Capri has a wife? She was one of the girls at the table. They were okay, but what if they don't like me?"

He looks at me funny, shrugging. "So? Why do you care what anyone thinks of you, they don't know you. As long as you have me no one else matters."

He always had the ability to make me feel better.

Our room is the third one to the end of the hall, Money opens the door and I have to gasp when we step inside. I could tell this was a condo. Inside was beautiful. The island table was made of granite and the floors were a dull marble gray. All the appliances were stainless steel including the electric stove. In the living room there was a U shaped couch, creme in color and matching the carpet that looked like your feet would melt if you stepped on it. A sixty inch tv was built into the wall and the curtains were thick and long, blocking all prying eyes.

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