Money and Capri walk off so I face the table and force a smile. I wonder if they can tell it's fake one. There's three women at the table and the chair there sitting on is sort of like a mixture of a couch and a booth seat at restaurants. I sit at the very edge when they make room for me.

"Angel right?" The one closest to me asks. She gives me classy hood chick vibes. Her hair is long and has streaks of electric blue in it.

"Yes." I tell her.

She smiles, showing perfect teeth. "Capri's wife."

I'm actually shocked. He doesn't strike me as the domesticated type.

I learn that these are the wives of the people that have a big part in this business. At least at this table. There was Nicole who seemed to be in her early thirties. She was beige, short and bigger than all the women at the table. Not overweight, just chubby. But she was one of those women where the extra weight fit her. She looked good with it. She more looks like a housewife. It doesn't surprise me when I learn that she's married with one child.

Tammy was twenty seven and not far behind in looks with Nicole. She was very pretty, she had the body of someone who was a dedicated member of the gym. She wasn't overly muscular but she cared about her appearance. She was very uppity and seemed a bit patronizing in a way. She wasn't saying much and I can tell she probably balanced money the least. The type that had so much, you couldn't ask her to define the word budget if you placed a dictionary in her hand and showed it to her. Everything she had was expensive from her weave, makeup, clothes, perfume to the wine she was sipping on.

Then there was Kiki, short for Kianna. Capri's wife. She was the youngest out of her friends, but I don't know if she was younger than me. I knew we were real close in age. She was a walnut brown and what most men would describe as slim thick. An hour glass frame with an ass and breasts that caused wet dreams at night. With the electric blue highlights sitting in the spiraling jet black weave she wore, this was someone who came out of the projects but got with a man of power.

I didn't say anything unless one of them spoke to me. Now that I had actually had the opportunity to make friends, I wasn't liking it very much. It was very uncomfortable. It was not as bad as I thought it would be, but it was really awkward. Out of all the women I think I related to Kianni the most.

Kianni puts her hand on my shoulder and smiles at me, "Don't worry, Money will be back in a minute. Capri just wants to have a word with him." She said like she could read my mind. I guess it was that obvious I was looking around for him.

To try and play off my eagerness, I clear my throat and place my attention on her. "Is this a special event or something?"

Nicole answers, "You could say that...when big deals go through and someone wants to celebrate, you call up everybody. Doctors, lawyers, politicians, drug lords, everybody is in this room. We celebrate big."

I wonder if they were only celebrating something, what was the point of inviting Money and I. I thought he was here for business, but then I get it. They were trying to entice us into saying yes by showing us how they lived and how they celebrated, as Nicole just said. The cars, the mansion, the connections you could acquire in the room. Give us a sneak peek of the good side of this lifestyle to reel us in.

I start sweeping the crowd with my eyes again, pretending like I'm interested in what's going on around me, while I'm just looking out to see if I see Money. I hear giggles and look next to me to see all the girls looking at me in amusement. I bite my bottom lip feeling a little embarrassed. I must be so weird to them, I thought. They probably thought I was obsessed with Money, but I couldn't help it. I couldn't be away from him too long, it felt weird.

Ride Or Die Chickजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें