14. Dance Arrangements (Picture Of Alice)

Start from the beginning

"Edward?, right?" asked Bella freshly. She was surprised he was speaking with her. He was the one of avoided her. ...And he was a vampire...

"Yes," he said flaty.

"Is there a reason you're talking to me?" asked Bella coldly.

"Yes. You're just so different. I want to figure you out," he muttered.

"And how do you plan on doing that?" asked Bella, wondering about this creep's motive.

"Save me a dance at the party tonight. The last song." With that, he walked away, not waiting for an answer, even though he hadn't really asked Bella, he's ordered her. He probably left so quick so she couldn't refuse. Bella probably would of said yes anyway, the way his eyes were smoldering, the way he smiled a crooked smile at her, the way he smelt so amazing, plus the fact that vampires are just enticing like that.

She'll just keep Jacob VERY close by.

*biology- PARTY DAY*

Class was normal, Edward and Bella didn't speak to each other.

*gym class- PARTY DAY!*

"Uggg, not this place again..." muttered Bella as she walked into the gym with Alice, who was talking animatedly about correct party decor.

"Listen up, kids!" yelled the boy's gym coach. "Grab a partner, a whiffle ball, a whiffle bat, and a space to practice. Just practice throwing and hitting. GO!" Rowdy teenagers, excited to be in gym class, ran to get supplies.

"Partners?" asked Alice suddenly.

Bella looked stunned for a minute. "You really don't need to, Alice. I'm terrible."

"I insist!" she exclaimed. "I'll get the stuff. You get land." She ran off gracefully at a human pace. Bella stayed where she was, seeing that no one was near her, considering they were all too scared to get near her and her dangerous sporty ways.

Alice was back quickly.

And she handed Bella the bat.

"I think it might be better if you gave me the ball..." said Bella. "It's not long and pointy."

"I have a feeling that the bat would be a better choice for now," said Alice happily.

"Uhh, okay." And they began.

Bella missed every time, and Alice always threw perfectly. A funny little way of doing it actually, she kicked one leg up, then threw. It worked efficiently for her. Didn't make a difference for Bella.

"Maybe we should switch..." thought Bella out loud.

"I have a feeling that it might end up hitting some peoples' heads..." She glanced at the coaches so quickly, that Bella was sure she must have imagined it.

The rest of gym class went by perfectly, except Bella never hit... Well she did hit herself once, but that doesn't count.

When the bell rang, the decorating gang rushed up to Jessica, asking her about the time and what they needed to bring.

"Be there at six. I have all the supplies! Bye girls! Wait! Bella, Alice, stay here for a minute," requested Jess.

"Sure," said the two girls cheerfully.

"Do you need directions, Alice?" asked Jessica, worry of her getting lost thick in her voice.

"Nope, I'll find my way," she said. "Bye!" She left, just like how her adopted brother had left Bella earlier.

"Strange," mumbled Jessica. "How she'sd be able to find her way."

She can see the future, she can obviously tell when she's taking a wrong turn... But Bella and Jessica don't know that.

"Yeah... Odd," mumbled Bella, also wondering about that.

"I was only wondering if you got the message about the time change to the Quileutes who are invited?" she asked casually.

"Yeah, I got it covered." Then she walked off, just like Alice and Edward had earlier, leaving the other person hanging.


Author's Note: The bit about the mobile was just for you AyaBay! (Mobile means cell-phone for those of you who don't know) And I just refinished Twilight (took me longer than usual) and I'm about half-way through New Moon. Yay! And I know this story is a Twilight FanFic, but I'M SO EXCITED FOR THE HARRY POTTER MOVIE!

And I want your opinions. What do you think is going to happen at the party? I already know, but do you?

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